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He changes place depending on the time. He could be in route 101, 102 or in his lab

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Q: Where is professor birch after the elite four?
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After you beat the Elite Four you must see every Pokemon in your region at least once to fill up your Pokedex, then talk to Professor Oak/Rowan/Birch whatever and he gives you it

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Rayquaza cannot be caught in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen. Trading it over from Pokémon Emerald is required. You must first obtain the National Pokédex from Professor Birch after beating the Elite Four, though.

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Well, he is one of the four professors of Pokemon. Kanto: Professor Oak, Jhoto: Professor Elm, Hoenn: Professor Birch, Sinnoh: Professor Rowan. He is the newest professor.

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Defeat the Elite Four then go to the professor after the credits.

Where is Professor Rowan in Pokemon pearl after you beat the elite four?

His lab.