Crystal bow (fully charged) , Dark bow , Rune C Bow, Chaotic C bow, Magic longbow (sighted), seercul bow .
In the phoenix base in varrok, u need a buddy on the phoenix team to get one from upstairs
It is currently impossible to get any more training bows in RuneScape. They used to be given out by the Ranged Combat Tutor in Lumbridge and sold by Beefy Bill, but these options have since been discontinued from the game. The only arrows that can be used with the training bows are training arrows, which have also been discontinued. This renders the training bow useless and as a cosmetic only weapon now as once the arrows have been used up, there is no way to shoot with the training bow.
There is no "best" auto for runescape. They are all illegal (in the real world) and are against the rules.
The best monster to kill in Runescape would be the King Black Dragon.
You don't get xp from the bow itself, as arrows are the ammo and what do the damage.. so therefor arrows would give more experience.
No, there are no Golden Crossbows in Runescape.
In runescape. You can always
you can use them with iron crossbows or better
I prefer to use crossbows because bolts are cheaper than arrows :)
yes you do get fletching xp for putting bowstings on bows, and on crossbows too.
String is a very general term and can refer to bow string, crossbow string, and/or magic string. Bow strings are used in RuneScape to make bows or crossbows in RuneScape with the appropriate Fletching skill and magic string is used in RuneScape to create Nature Amulets with the Crafting skill with the appropriate level required.
The safety guideline for using bows that is unique to the crossbow is that both the rules for firearms and bows must be followed. Crossbows are much more dangerous than bows and just as dangerous as a firearm.
crossbows, swords, and bows & arrows. gunpowder was not invented yet.
Crossbows can only fire bolts, not regular arrows.
various weapons including compound or recurve bows, rifles, muzzleloaders, shotguns, crossbows, and the occaisional pistol
TenPoint crossbows in Ohio or Excaliber Crossbows. Both are great companies and both are very innovative. I've shot lots of different manufactures bows and these two are the best. I personally give the edge to TenPoint, but that is just the one I felt was at touch higher build quality, a little better safety and a better trigger for me. Everyone is different.