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The best monster to kill in Runescape would be the King Black Dragon.

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Q: Best monster to kill in RuneScape?
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What is the easiest monster to kill in RuneScape?

Easiest monster in Runescape would have to be a rat, man, or goblin. If you want something that is easy to kill that gives good experience that would be rock crabs which are member only. They are located up in Rellekka.

What monster in runescape is weak to crush?

The best monster to kill with crush is earth warriors and it levels you up fast. in the edgeville dungeon it's in the wilderness so watch out for revenant imps they can hit up to 23.

What is the best monster to kill in runescape?

Either Tormented Demons or Mithril Dragons for their drops mainly. Also there are the godwars bosses too, even more then Armadyl Boss.