It doesn't evolve at a specific level in fact you can have a level 6 togetic as long as togepi's happiness is at the max level.
it is not necessary to improve its attack or defense i evolved my togepi by only leveling it up it evolved in level 32 in Pokemon leaf green maybe the same fire red don't know
You bring it to level 50
It evolves through happiness
Level it up when it its happiness is full
It needs max loyalty with its trainer you can evolve togepi in one level has long as its happiness with its trainer is at the max.
You evolve Togepi in Pokemon Leaf Green version by either level, or happiness, I'm not really all that sure.
Togapi evolves with friendship. So you have to make Togepi as happy as possible and then level it up in order for it to evolve. There is no set level.
You have to evolve it with its happiness level at 220.
You have to have it have high happiness. It doesn't evolve at a level.
it is not necessary to improve its attack or defense i evolved my togepi by only leveling it up it evolved in level 32 in Pokemon leaf green maybe the same fire red don't know
You bring it to level 50
You have to level it up with high friendship.
you have to trade it to evolve.
It evolves through happiness
Level it up when it its happiness is full
You evolve Togepi by Level up with Happiness at 220 or higher. You can't te;ll how many happiness your pokemon has though.
It needs max loyalty with its trainer you can evolve togepi in one level has long as its happiness with its trainer is at the max.