you have to do the purple event you can still do the purple event as blue then do the blue event
Just go back and activate it. Heart Events must be gotten in order (Black, Purple, Blue, and finally Yellow). If you do not complete the Heart Event you missed you can't do any others. You do not have to lower her Heart Color back down. Even if you have a higher Heart Color than necessary the event will still work.
Yes. But don't worry. For instance, you don't see the purple heart event. But you can still view that event anytime after or during purple heart with her.
Karen Has no Orange Heart Event She has 1.Black Heart 2.Purple Heart 3.Blue Heart 4.Yellow Heart Events no orange
There are no Orange Heart Events for anyone in Sunshine Island. Only Purple, Blue, Green, and Yellow Heart Events.
Have you done any of these thing wrong? 1. You missed a heart event 2. Or you do not know how to do Muffy's Yellow heart Event right. Here is how you do Muffy's Yellow Heart Event. Yellow Heart Event » Exit your farmhouse » 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, Summer season, sunny day
Just go back and activate it. Heart Events must be gotten in order (Black, Purple, Blue, and finally Yellow). If you do not complete the Heart Event you missed you can't do any others. You do not have to lower her Heart Color back down. Even if you have a higher Heart Color than necessary the event will still work.
Have you Made sure that you haven't missed a Heart event before that and you followed these rules.Purple Heart Event» Dr.Hardy's clinic» 6:00 am to 12:00 pm, not Wednesday or Saturday
There is no Orange Heart Event. Muffy only has a Black, Purple, Blue, and Yellow Heart Event.
Have you done all of Nami's heart events leading up to purple? (Which is only her black heart event)
Yes. it's required to marry someone. Each girl has a heart event at black, purple, blue and yellow hearts. If you missed one, you do not have to go back and do it in order to marry her. You can still do any heart event if you skipped that color heart.
There is no Red Heart Event. Only Black, Purple, Blue, and Yellow.
No. There are only Black, Purple, Blue, and Yellow Heart Events.
There isn't a red heart event for any of the girls. There isn't a green heart event either. There is only a black heart event, a purple heart event, a blue heart event, and a yellow heart event.
Yes. But don't worry. For instance, you don't see the purple heart event. But you can still view that event anytime after or during purple heart with her.
It goes in this order: Black, Purple, Blue, and then Yellow Heart Event.
Griffin Doesn't have a red Heart Event, Only; Black, Purple, blue and Yellow heart events.
you need to experience the black heart event then keep giving her gft that she likes until it turns purple