There are no Orange Heart Events for anyone in Sunshine Island. Only Purple, Blue, Green, and Yellow Heart Events.
A heart event in all harvest moon is a signal on how much a girl likes you
The Blue Feather will become available for purchase at Karen's store once you have a woman/man up to an Orange (50,000 LP) heart level.
You propose to him using the Blue Feather. You can buy the Blue Feather from Karen's Supermarket once any marriage candidate has an Orange Heart. But he will not accept your Blue Feather until you complete all the marriage requirements. Which are: Upgrade your house twice Buy the double bed Have a Red Heart with the guy See all of his Heart Events Rescue at least 60 Harvest Sprites
you must have seen the black purple and blue heart events and then given her more gifts. if she is the girl you want to marry then keep givin her gifts and her heart will turn yellow then you can have the yellow heart event then get it to orange then red then propose if you have 60 harvest sprites the double bed and a big house
No, Karen Just has 1.Black 2.Purple 3.Blue 4.Yellow Heart Events. (In that order)
There is no Orange Heart Event. Muffy only has a Black, Purple, Blue, and Yellow Heart Event.
Yes there is a Blue Heart Event for Karen. -Have a Blue Heart or Higher -See the Black and Purple Heart Event -In the Grocery Store -10am to 1pm
You should say which Harvest Moon game you are playing. But either way she doesn't have an Orange Heart Event in any game.
No. There are only Black, Purple, Blue, and Yellow Heart Events.
I dont have the game but if its like harvest moon DS there is no green or orange heart event. pls correct me if this is wrong.
There isn't an orange heart event only Black, purple, blue, yellow
You can Purchase a Blue Feather From Karen's Shop after you have reached an Orange heart Level with your Lover
There are no Orange Heart Events for anyone in Sunshine Island. Only Purple, Blue, Green, and Yellow Heart Events.
No, Nobody has an "Orange Heart" Event.
There is no Black Heart Event. Only Purple, Blue, Yellow, and Orange.
Black heart event.