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Have you done any of these thing wrong?

1. You missed a heart event

2. Or you do not know how to do Muffy's Yellow heart Event right.

Here is how you do Muffy's Yellow Heart Event.

Yellow Heart Event

» Exit your farmhouse

» 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, Summer season, sunny day

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Q: Why is the yellow heart event not working on muffy even though her heart is yellow harvest moon?
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There is no Orange Heart Event. Muffy only has a Black, Purple, Blue, and Yellow Heart Event.

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There is no Red Heart Event. Only Black, Purple, Blue, and Yellow.

Is there a orange heart event in Harvest Moon DS?

No. There are only Black, Purple, Blue, and Yellow Heart Events.

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Tell him the first option (Are you dating Lumina?)

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It goes in this order: Black, Purple, Blue, and then Yellow Heart Event.

Is there another heart event after the green heart with muffy on harvest moon ds?

Yes. There are four Heart Events. Black, Purple, Blue, and Yellow. The Yellow Heart Event can only be activated after the Green Heart Color.

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Griffin Doesn't have a red Heart Event, Only; Black, Purple, blue and Yellow heart events.

Does Leia in Harvest moon DS have a green heart cut scene?

No. She only has a Black, Purple, Blue, and Yellow Heart Event.

What is luminas red heart event in harvest moon ds?

There isn't a red heart event for any of the girls. There isn't a green heart event either. There is only a black heart event, a purple heart event, a blue heart event, and a yellow heart event.

How do you trigger will's black heart event on harvest moon sunshine islands?

There is no Black Heart Event for Will in Sunshine Island. Only Purple, Blue, Green, and Yellow Heart Events.

Where does Leia's family live in Harvest Moon?

Leia's family lives in the ocean. You can never meet them but they send her a letter if you get her Yellow Heart Event.