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how does water affect light path

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Q: How water affects the path of light?
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Is the path of light in water straight?

Yes. But the path of light across the water/air boundary is not.

What is the change of path of a light ray from glass into water?

Index of retraction

What is a force that most affects the path of a planet around the Sun?

A force that most affects the path of a planet around the Sun is gravity.

What path does light take?

light takes a straight path.

What effect if any does water have on light?

water refracts or bends light and that alters the path that the light is taking. It also can act as a prisom and break it up. This is why rainbows are usually present after a rain storm. The water particles left in the air bend the light.

Can you change the path of light?

use a mirror to change the path of light.

What do you spray to msee laser light?

Spray water at the path of the laser and it should reveal the ray.

What happens when light waves interacts with water?

When light waves interact with water, some of the light is absorbed and some is reflected. The absorbed light energy can cause water molecules to vibrate or move faster, leading to an increase in water temperature. Light can also be refracted as it passes through water, bending its path due to the change in medium.

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Light has many affects to human behavior. Light regulates our circadian rythms.

What is lights shape of its path?

what is the path of light

What is the correct path of light ray shinning in the surface of a tank filled with water?

ano ang adwana

Does water reflect or absorb?

Water can both reflect and absorb light. When light strikes the surface of water at an angle, some of it can be reflected off the surface due to the difference in refractive indices. However, water can also absorb certain wavelengths of light, which is why the depth of water affects its color appearance.