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dks get water walking around lvl 63 its called path of frost

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Q: When does a death knight walk on water?
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Related questions

What is the Greek word for death knight?

Death = θάνατος (thanatos) Knight = ιππότης (ippotis) Thanatos Ippotis is a rough translation for Death Knight

What is Chinese for death knight?

there is no literal translation to associate with the meaning of death knight.

Can a death knight take other classes through the death gate?

No, the Death Gate is only for the Death Knight that created it.

Where do you find the quest to become death knight in world of warcraft?

To create a Death Knight, you must have at least one character ( on any realm) that is level 55 or higher. This will open the option to create a new death knight character on any realm. Unfortunately, you can't turn an existing character into a death knight

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Where do you go to become death knight in wow?

To make a Death Knight character, all you need is a level 55 character on any server. From that moment on, Death Knight becomes available as a class choice on any server when you make a new character. A freshly created Death Knight will start at level 55 in the Eastern Plaguelands, in a special phased leveling zone.

When you get a level 55 human in WoW to get the Death Knight can you delete that character and still get the death Knight?

As long as you have one level 55 (any class or race) on any server on your account, you can make a Death Knight. But you need to keep at least one level 55. Now, if you have a level 55 character, make a Death Knight, and want to delete the character you had, then you can.

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Do you have to have a 55 to get a deathknight in wow?

Yes, to get a death knight, you must already have a character which is level 55 or higher on the server you wish to create the death knight.

What is the latin word for death knight?

Cavaliere di morte is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "death knight." The masculine singular noun, preposition, and feminine singular noun translate literally into English as "knight of death." The pronunciation will be "KA-va-LYEH-rey dee MOR-tey" in Italian.

Can you make 2 death knights on different realms if you have only 1 level 55?

No, you MUST have a character that is already level 55+The only way to get a death knight is to have a level 55+ character and you must have a Wraith of the Lich King account from buying the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. Also when you have a level 55-80 character, you can make a death knight on any server and the death knight is automatically level 55 when you start.

What are the main skills of the Death Knight class?

The Death Knight class is part of the World of Warcraft game and means that a player is an unholy warrior and can only be attained by reaching level 55 or higher. The Death Knight is the only hero class in the World of Warcraft game.