You can have a maximum of 1 Death Knight per server. That includes both factions. 1 per server.
Leather armor on WoW is worn by rogues, shamans, and druids. "Clothies" or characters who can only wear cloth armor are the magic users - warlocks, priests, and mages. Warriors, paladins, and death knights can wear mail and plate armor.
WOW, more fully known as World of Warcraft, characters are many and varied. Images of these interesting WOW characters can be found on websites such as Google Images.
No, but i wish it did.
There are many, one of my fav realms is
Knights went to banquets and feasted. They were also part of an important dance with beautiful women meant only for knights.
You can have as many death knights as you want on your account, but you can only have 1 death knight per server (example: you have 5 death knights - 1 is on agamaggan, 1 is on doomhammer, etc.)
yes you can, execpt gnomes can't but they can be death knights
Unfortunately no, Death Knights can not use shields...even when tanking.
Only Death Knights can get them, and they are in acherus where you can buy them from Scourge Commander Thalanor for 950g
Blood Plague, Frost fever are the two main diseases that all death knights can access. Using talents, Unholy death knights can place crypt fever on their victims automatically via blood plague or frost fever. The Unholy talent Unholy Blight was changed recently to be a disease on the target rather than an "aura" type of spell. So if you are an unholy death knight, you have access to 4 diseases. Other death knights could access unholy blight as it is higher in the tree, so all other death knights can access 3 if talented right.
Yes, it's a random drop in the Hinterlands, usually found on the higher level mobs in the zone.
Death Knights of Krynn happened in 1991.
Death Knights of Krynn was created in 1991.
Yes, in Mists of Pandaria the Pandaren race will be added, which can become any class other than Paladins, Death Knights, Druids and Warlocks.
If you are referring to the Runeforge ability available to Death Knights, you can't remove it. If you want another Rune on it, or a regular enchant, you simply use the Runeforging or Enchanting skill to "overwrite" it.
Rogues and Death Knights start out with dual wielding. Warriors and Hunters can learn it at level 20 and Shaman can dual wield at level 40ish if they take the talents in the enhancement tree.
WOW Death Knights do not have shields but do have good avoidance and powerful anti magic protection that have them being used as the main tanks against magic attack based bosses in raids. Don't think that because they are not able to use a shield that they will not make effective tanks as they do make good tanks if geared, spec'd and played correctly. WOW Death Knights can dual wield or use 2-handed weapons. They use a unique rune system for their special skills so playing a Death Knight you will find you will be commonly be using combo rotations to maximize damage and agro. Also death knights gain runic power when using spells that use runs and this runic power can be used to cast spells such as death coil or Frost Strike. For further information ,click here Thank you !