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150 penguins. Wow.

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Q: How many penguins could be on one server at a time on Club Penguin?
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Related questions

How many penguins make a full server on Club Penguin?

I think its about 150-200 (penguins)

How do you login to a full sever on Club Penguin?

Due to a glitch, in 2008 you could get into a full server on club penguin but now club penguin has fixed that glitch. Thus, now you can't get into a full server on club penguin.

What penguin on Club Penguin is a bad penguin?

There are many bad penguins in the virtual world of Club Penguin. There is no way you could name them all.....

How do you hijack a penguin on Club Penguin?

Please do not do this to other penguins! You could get arrested. And you will also get banned!^__^

What server does the penguin band go on on club penguin?

Famous penguins sometimes go on the servers with the less amount of green bars. Hope this helps!

Can you eat penguins in clubpenguin?

No, you can not eat penguins in Club Penguin

How do you kill other penguins on Club Penguin?

You can not kill other penguins on club penguin. The club penguin is for ages 6-14. So if you like to kill people, club penguin is not the place for you.

Can you take from penguins on Club Penguin?

No, you cant steal on club penguin.

Why is Club Penguin based on penguins?

Clues in the name: club "penguin

Is Club Penguin called club penguins?


What were the creators of Club Penguin doing?

When the club penguin team first came up with club penguin they started drawing penguins and they thought they could get other children to play and learn using them self as a penguin.

How could you make your penguin get to list of penguins on manage your account?

Stop playing club penguin and get a life! Simple as that!