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Famous Club Penguin characters visit club penguin on special events

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Q: When are famous penguins going to visit Club Penguin?
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Related questions

What is penguin doing at antarctica?

Penguins visit the Antarctic continent to breed.

What do rare penguins do on Club Penguin?

Rare penguins on Club Penguin probably visit it only a few times in a year, mostly to just check what's going on, or to collect new items. A rare penguin accounts are often traded or given for free, therefore, the new owner of the account will usually show-off his account and enjoy it as much as he can (which, after he has enough of it, will result in passing the account on to another person).

What is the cost of the bill at the vet for penguins?

At least in the United States, I don't believe there is a standard amount for a penguin's vet visit as penguins are not common pets. In fact, many veterinarians may not be able to offer veterinary service to a penguin due to the lack of information and training for examining and treating penguins.

Why do emperor penguin only live in Antarctica?

Emperor penguins do not live in Antarctica, they are sea birds and live at sea. However, they do join their cousins, the Adelie penguins, when both types visit Antarctica's beaches to breed.

Who is Winklewoes?

Winklewoes is a famous penguin on Club Penguin. She has her own Youtube account winklewoes11 and website She usually does parties in her igloo for special times and has a trusty side kick Moopmaty and her blue puffle Avalanche. She is a very nice penguin on Club Penguin. Lots of penguins visit her during the parties to be her friend or just to have fun. The best part about Winklewoes is that when you go to a igloo party, she's doing, if you ask for a postcard she will always send you one. Hundreds of penguins go to her igloo so I'm guessing she'll need alot of money! If your on Club Penguin you should meet her some time!

Why are penguins the most dangerous animal in Antarctica?

No animal lives on Antarctica, but penguins are among the sea birds and sea mammals that visit the beaches to breed. For a human, getting too close to an adult penguin during this season means that the penguin can break a human's arm with a defensive blow, meant to protect their chick from the human.

How do you become a famous penguin on Club Penguin?

A character, like Gary, Cadence, Rockhopper, are examples of officially famous penguins.A guest penguin, like you and me, who have videos and sites, are called unofficially famous.You HAVE TO appear on the characters page in the stamp book. If you believe this is wrong, visit my website

How do penguins float?

Penguins float by trapping air in their feathers, which helps to keep them buoyant in the water. They also have a layer of blubber that provides insulation and helps with buoyancy. Penguins use a combination of their body structure and their waterproof feathers to stay afloat while swimming.

Are there only 4 species of penguins that live in Antarctica?

No. All penguins are sea birds and they make their homes in sea water where they can find food. Four types of penguins do, however, breed on Antarctica's beaches for a few weeks each year: Emperor, Adelie, Gentoo and Chinstrap.

In the famous nursury rhyme who was Little Red Riding Hood going to visit?

Her Grandma.

Why don't penguins need wetsuits?

It's because they have slick fir that they can slide on when they get there bellies wet. For the latest Club Penguin cheats and updates,please visit my site, Your Welcome!

How do you get a a penguin tracker Club Penguin?

Visit Tracker to make a penguin tracker.