Most Nyko-branded Wii acessories have received average to favorable reviews on sites like Amazon and cnet.
Yes it will work Band Hero is the same brand of Guitar Hero.
A brand new Nintendo Wii Package will cost you $130. Although just for the box itself, there are in high supply on eBay for around $40.
Nintendo releases most of it's gaming products to keep selling and earning more money. And the Nintendo Wii was a BIG hit.
For one remote it will take between an 1.5 to 2 hours to fully charge your wiimote. However, if you are charging two wiimotes it will take twice as long (3 hours to 4 hours) as the energy is being shared between two controllers.
A number of companies sell custom Wii guitars for the use with games such as Rock Band and Guitar Hero. this site ( and Best Buy both stock a large selection of these custom Wii guitar products.
A full recharge of the Nyko Wii remote takes about one hour to complete.
Your Nyko Kama uses a propietary battery, and will need to be purchased directly from Nyko.
Yes, the Nyko Kama Wireless Controller is chargeable. A Nyko Wii Remote Charging Station is required. The controller requires two AAA batteries that provide up to 30 hours of gameplay.
basically, but wii fit plus has some more training exercises and also has routines. routines are various selections of exercises that have a theme to them. you can also create your own routines. they are both very fun.
The Nyko Wii Remote Charging Station uses a standard AC power cord to charge 2 NiMH rechargable batteries for up to 25 hours of gameplay time. You can charge 2 Wii Remotes at the same time.
How much do you want to spend?
The Nyko Kama Wireless has no wires and also has an ergonomic design for either hand. The Kama Wireless Controller is the ideal solution for users demanding more flexibility and freedom while playing their favorite Wii games.
you can use remotes like the new Wii Classic Controller even just the plain wii remotes
For $129.99 you can get a Pre-OwnedNintendo Wii (White) w/ basic necessities and wii sports*For $144.97 you can get a Pre-Owned*Nintendo Wii Refurbished Armageddon Bundle (Nintendo Wii w/ basic necessities and Mortal Kombat and House of the Dead: Overkill)*For $169 you can get a brand new*Nintendo Wii (White or Black) Bundle which includes necessities, wii sports, wii sports resort, and wii motion plusFor $152.96 you can get a refurbishedNintendo Wii with basic necessities, Metroid Prime 3, Metroid Other M, and Star Wars Clone Wars: Light Saber Duel*For $189.97 you can get a brand new*Nintendo Wii Nyko Accessory Bundle (the $169 offer plus Nyko accessories)*For $209.97 you can get a Brand New*Nintendo Wii Michael Jackson Bundle (the $169 offer plus Michael Jackson the Experience game and Michael Jackson This Is It DVD)For $249.97 you can get a Brand NewNintendo Wii for Two Black Bundle (The $169 offer plus double the controllers and motion plus controllers)*Online only priceI really hope that this was able to help!
Nintendo OWNS the wii. that's why its called the Nintendo wii
Nyko Wand Controller and Pistol Grip Action Pack (Wii) and Novint Black Falcon Controller And Pistol Grip are two recommendations for this type of product.