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Nintendo releases most of it's gaming products to keep selling and earning more money. And the Nintendo Wii was a BIG hit.

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Q: Why did Nintendo make the Nintendo Wii?
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Why doesn't Nintendo make Nintendo 64 Mario world for Wii?

They did make it for the Wii, you just have to download it from the Wii Shop channel

Who make Nintendo Wii?

this is too easy!the answer is .....NINTENDO! THEY MAKE THE DS, WII, AND X BOX!Microsoft makes the x-box, not nintendo. Nintendo FTW!

How does one make Nintendo Wii channels?

You cannot make Wii Channels because it's impossible. The only people that can make Wii Channels are the workers at the Nintendo companies.

Does Nintendo make the games for all systems?

No they only make them on Nintendo systems such as gamecube wii and Nintendo 64

How do you make a Wii?

You work at the Nintendo company

Why did they make the Nintendo Wii?

For little girls

Who inventedthe Nintendo Wii?

Nintendo invented the Nintendo Wii.

Where was the Nintendo Wii?

with the Nintendo wii company

What is the best brand Nintendo or Wii?

Nintendo OWNS the wii. that's why its called the Nintendo wii

What company made Nintendo Wii?

The Nintendo Wii was made by Nintendo.

Is Nintendo Land for Wii and Wii U?

Nintendo Land is only available for the Nintendo Wii U.

Is the Wii a windows7?

No it is not. The NINTENDO Wii is made by Nintendo.