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Yes it will work Band Hero is the same brand of Guitar Hero.

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Q: Does the Wii Guitar Hero guitar and drum set work with the new Wii Band Hero?
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Related questions

Can you play rock band on guitar hero drums?

You can play rock band drum on guitar hero drums band.

Can you use rock band wii guitars for Guitar Hero?

No, you can't use your Rock Band Wii guitar for guitar hero or vice versa. You can't use rock band guitars on guitar hero...but we use our wii guitar hero guitars for both rock band and of course guitar hero. You cannot switch out drum sets. We have had to buy both sets, rock band and guitar hero.

What is the difference between the guitar hero world tour drum set and the band hero drum set?

Guitar Hero 5 is more into Rock and Metal and Band Hero is more into Pop. Differences in the gameplay is that, if you choose a singer, and the song has the opposite gender, it will choose a generic character of that gender.

Does a Guitar Hero world tour guitar work for Guitar Hero warriors of rock?

Yes, any Xbox 360 Guitar will work with Guitar Hero: WoR even Rock Band guitars.

Is guitar hero 3 drum controller compatible with rock band?


Does the rock band drum set work on guitar hero too?


Does the Rock Band drum set work with guitar hero?


Does guitar hero drum set work for Wii band hero?

yes it does, but you have to connect it.

Can you use a ps2 Guitar Hero 3 guitar for rock band bass guitar on PS3?

yep any guitar, drum, vocal, or bass works.

Can you use guitar from Guitar Hero 3 to play rock band 2?

Yes, As well as All other guitar hero controllers (including Drum kit,etc)

Can you play Guitar Hero on ps2 with joystick?

No. You have to have a guitar (Can be "Rockband" or "Guitar Hero" guitar or a drum set.)

Will the Band Hero drum kit work on Guitar Hero 5?

I believe so. Yes.