You do a drum roll on whatever colour needs too be held until it ends. :D
You press the keys it tells you to and strum on the notes when the note reaches the bottom of the screen. You can use the whammy bar on sustained notes (hold the button and don't hold the strum bar, just press it) for extra points. Lift the neck to activate star power (wii)
Its only on the bass guitar, and when it comes to the note slots on the screen, you just strum the strum bar without holding down any notes.
A 64 note streak, is just how many notes you've got in a row, i.e. how many you got without missing any.
Well in Rock Band you have to wait until you have the starpower bar filled up to a certain line and then you have to wait for these long lines where you can do a solo which you can hit any drum u want and then at the end of the solo u hit the flashing green note, in guitar hero u hit the symbols, i don't have guitar hero: world tour but my friend has it and ive heard other people saying that so try these things out (which ever one you have because u didnt specify it in the question).
WulFe79 is one of the greatest guitar hero players in the world. He and PriestMLH, another guitar hero prodigy, played each other at a guitar hero get-together. They played Cliffs of Dover on Expert. Priest MLH won the match by one note. It was not a battle, just a pro-face-off. WulFe79 is his new video on youtube of himself 100%ing a hard song, i think, on GH3. This was his 100th video. I do not know if he has uploaded any other videos yet.
keep hitting the drum colour like a drum roll
You cant if it does have a long note you may have to do a drum roll or hit the symbol so it trails on. =]
Touch it as the note comes up. (please note that there are certain sections you use it on, not any time) You can also hold and rub at a slide section.
A song note chart, that people make to put on a hacked Guitar Hero.
If it appears like a held note such as on the guitar chords, you keep hitting the relative cymbal to the held note, You must successfully hit the note numerous times in quick succession because there is a time limit as to how long between each hit and you can drop the note if you hit it once say every 2 seconds.
Yes, it is exactly the same. Bassists do not use the slider (as to my knowledge). The new 'addition' to the bass in Guitar Hero: World Tour is the 'Sixth' note. Simply strum without holding down a fret to play this note. It makes bassists have more of a challenge. It's really fun. This sixth note looks like the Kickstand note on the drums.
nope.... i wouldn't think so as i can play songs easily on guitar hero that i wouldn't even know the first note of on a real guitar
Guitar Hero is a game where you "play" musical instruments to songs. Basically you play the note that is prompted. All Guitar Hero games feature guitars, and Guitar Hero World Tour also features vocals and drums as well.
592,314 from a British guy.
Through the Fire and Flames. Note: you have to complete the game in order to get it.
To enter cheats in guitar hero 3, go to the options menu, cheats, enter cheat. It will bring you to a menu where you have to hold down the relevant notes as to frets on the guitar neck and strum them. example. GR - Hold down the green and red fret, and strum. Release and hold down the next note, strum. release. etc.
never you always strum if theres a note unless theres a whamy