2-letter words
ae, al, as, at, ay, ef, el, es, et, fa, la, lo, oe, of, op, os, oy, pa, pe, so, ta, to, ya, ye
3-letter words
aft, ale, alp, als, alt, ape, apt, asp, ate, aye, ays, eat, efs, eft, elf, els, eta, fas, fat, fay, fet, fey, fly, foe, fop, foy, lap, las, lat, lay, lea, let, ley, loo, lop, lot, lye, oaf, oat, oes, oft, ole, oot, ope, ops, opt, ose, pal, pas, pat, pay, pea, pes, pet, ply, pol, pot, pya, pye, sae, sal, sap, sat, say, sea, sel, set, sly, sol, sop, sot, soy, spa, spy, sty, tae, tao, tap, tas, tea, tel, toe, too, top, toy, tye, yap, yea, yep, yes, yet
4-letter words
alef, ales, aloe, alps, also, alto, alts, apes, apse, ates, atop, ayes, east, easy, eats, efts, epos, espy, etas, eyas, fast, fate, fats, fays, feal, feat, felt, feta, fets, flap, flat, flay, flea, fley, floe, flop, foal, foes, fool, foot, fops, foys, laps, lase, last, late, lats, lays, leaf, leap, leas, left, lept, lest, lets, leys, loaf, loft, loof, loop, loos, loot, lope, lops, lose, lost, lota, lots, lyes, lyse, oafs, oast, oats, olea, oleo, oles, oops, oots, opal, opes, opts, oyes, pale, pals, paly, pase, past, pate, pats, paty, pays, peal, peas, peat, pelf, pelt, peso, pest, pets, plat, play, plea, plot, ploy, poet, pole, polo, pols, poly, poof, pool, pose, post, posy, pots, pyas, pyes, safe, sale, salp, salt, sate, seal, seat, self, sept, seta, slap, slat, slay, sloe, slop, slot, soap, sofa, soft, sola, sole, solo, soot, soya, spae, spat, spay, spot, stay, step, stey, stoa, stop, stye, tael, tale, taos, tape, taps, teal, teas, tela, tels, tepa, toea, toes, tola, tole, tool, tope, tops, toyo, toys, tyes, type, typo, yaps, yeas, yelp
5-letter words
afoot, alefs, aloes, aloft, aloof, altos, aptly, atopy, estop, false, fates, fatly, feast, feats, felts, fetal, fetas, flaps, flats, flays, fleas, fleys, float, floes, flops, flota, flyte, foals, fools, foots, footy, lapse, leafs, leafy, leaps, leapt, least, lefts, lefty, lepta, loafs, lofts, lofty, looey, loofa, loofs, loops, loopy, loose, loots, lopes, lotas, lotos, lyase, oleos, opals, pales, palet, palsy, paseo, paste, pasty, pates, patly, patsy, peals, peats, peaty, pelfs, pelts, pesto, petal, plate, plats, platy, plays, pleas, pleat, plots, ploys, poesy, poets, poles, polos, polys, pools, potsy, psoae, salep, salty, sepal, sepoy, septa, setal, slate, slaty, slept, sloop, slope, slype, soapy, softa, softy, sooey, sooty, sotol, spale, spate, spelt, splat, splay, spoof, spool, stale, steal, stela, stoae, stole, stool, stoop, stope, style, taels, tales, tapes, teals, telos, tepal, tepas, tepoy, tesla, tolas, toles, tools, topes, topos, toyos, typal, types, typos, yeast, yelps
6-letter words
aslope, fealty, featly, festal, floats, floaty, flooey, floosy, flotas, flytes, foetal, folate, footle, footsy, looeys, loofas, lysate, osteal, palest, palets, pastel, pelota, petals, peyotl, plates, platys, pleats, postal, safely, safety, saloop, sapote, septal, slatey, softly, solate, spoofy, staple, teapoy, tepals, tepoys
7-letter words
apostle, flypast, folates, footles, pelotas, peyotls, teapoys
9-letter words
482 words found.
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On the build mode go to misalanies (sorry can't spell :S) then click on the swimming pool icon and then make sure you have enough space and then drag it and then make sure it is green and left go and you should have a swimming pool ! :D
Does not make sense
Well,you actually cant make a pool on Sims 3 for Wii. Try XBox,or PC They have pools for Sims 3
Go to the pool option, and hold down control. then outline the pool like you would normally make one, let go of the mouse, and BOOM! no more pool. =)
yes because if you buy a pool in webkinz just click on the pool and they swim in the pool
Pool safety is extremely important for you and your loved ones. As much fun as a pool in your backyard can be, a pool safety cover for the off season is an absolute must. Here are some useful tips to put to use on your pool in the off season. The portion of your pool or deck area that will come into contact with your pool safety cover should be protected by padding. Neglecting the padding can cause friction between your pool cover and the wood of your deck or the metal edge of your pool. Prolonged friction can cause your pool safety cover to wear down or tear. Be careful maintaining your pool, even if the pool safety cover is in place. Keep your pool safety cover taut, and if necessary make adjustments throughout the season.
There are no swear words in "Sinner" by Drowning Pool.
In many places, it is a legal requirement to have a fence around a pool for safety reasons.
You can make your pool blue by by putting blue dye in it, but make sure it is safe to consume and to have on the skin if people or animals are going to be in contact with it. Most pool users have the pool painted with water resistant paint and then when fully dried they fill the pool - dyes such as "NBS BIRU (Blue Dye)" and many other are available but the onus is on you to ensure the safety of teh water for what ever purpose you want to usei it for
Pool ladders can pose many safety risks. One of the most serious hazards is that of children drowning when ladders are left in pools. Another risk is that of slipping off the ladder while getting out of the pool with wet feet.
Don't know if this is what you mean by certified, but pool chems that have the potential to harm you usually say so with words like "hazardous," "poison," "corrosive," and "oxidizer." Many pool chems are potentially dangerous and care needs to be taken when using them. I don't know if there are any quality certifications.
If you have a pool, it is important to register. For compliance purposes, the current safety standard for the pool will depend on the validity of the certificate and the building certificate. A pool security certificate is issued in Brisbane, Ipswich, Sunshine Coast, and Queensland by a pool safety inspector and by a construction inspector only. You will need a security inspection certificate issued by an inspector licensed by Queensland Government (QLD) if you rent, sell, or share a pool. When the safety standards are met, a certification for pool safety is then provided. For the certification, the Pool Safety Inspector is expected to ensure that the certificate is entered in the Pool Safety Register. The inspector will provide the pool certificate if: • Lack of pool or barriers development approval • In compliance with the development approval of the pool or its obstacles • Failure by the owner of the pool to pay an inspection fee or contractual dispute In the event of non-compliance, which means that the swimming pool safety inspector is not satisfied with the safety standard compliance status of the pool, a separate form 26 is used by the pool owner within two business days of the inspection. The Pool Safety NOC indicates areas where the Pool does not comply and what to do to ensure compliance. If the owner felt aggrieved, he could proceed and appeal the decision of the pool inspector in spite of the resolution committee. The owner can lodge the appeal within 20 working days of the date of issue of Form 26. A property owner receives a certificate of classification for a building that has a pool or land on which a regulated swimming pool exists. This serves as a safety certificate, which is one year for public pools and two years for private pools. The validity of the classification certificate and of the construction certificate depends on whether the certificate is issued under the current standard for pool safety. How long does a certificate for pool safety last? It's two years for a residential pool safety certificate, but you're not required to get a different certificate. All you need to do is to ensure that the fencing of your pool remains compliant. If you are going to sell or lease your property in the future, you really only need to get a new pool safety certificate.
Every pool in Florida needs to have a barrier or safety fence around the pool. An existing structure like a fence in some circumstances may count.
by the pool
Safety measures in place to prevent unauthorized access and ensure pool area security include a gate alarm for the pool.
From the point of view of safety without surveillance the pool fence is safer. This is because the fence is always there, with a gate that closes automatically and locks so that toddlers cant open it. A pool safety cover is fine when it is in place however when it is not a toddler can approach the pool and there is nothing that protects him or her when they are not being watched.Another contributorI agree with the above answer, pool fence is definitely the way to go. In fact, in most areas it is law or soon will be. I say it will soon be law is because in December 2007 The Virginia Graeme Baker Pool & Spa Safety Act of 2007 was signed into law. Even if some law does not require it, most insurance companies will make you do it or cancel your policy.
Currently, pool covers do not get safety ratings from the government. You can look for user ratings online for particular covers though.