2-letter words
ae, al, as, at, ay, ef, el, es, et, fa, la, lo, oe, of, op, os, oy, pa, pe, so, ta, to, ya, ye
3-letter words
aft, ale, alp, als, alt, ape, apt, asp, ate, aye, ays, eat, efs, eft, elf, els, eta, fas, fat, fay, fet, fey, fly, foe, fop, foy, lap, las, lat, lay, lea, let, ley, loo, lop, lot, lye, oaf, oat, oes, oft, ole, oot, ope, ops, opt, ose, pal, pas, pat, pay, pea, pes, pet, ply, pol, pot, pya, pye, sae, sal, sap, sat, say, sea, sel, set, sly, sol, sop, sot, soy, spa, spy, sty, tae, tao, tap, tas, tea, tel, toe, too, top, toy, tye, yap, yea, yep, yes, yet
4-letter words
alef, ales, aloe, alps, also, alto, alts, apes, apse, ates, atop, ayes, east, easy, eats, efts, epos, espy, etas, eyas, fast, fate, fats, fays, feal, feat, felt, feta, fets, flap, flat, flay, flea, fley, floe, flop, foal, foes, fool, foot, fops, foys, laps, lase, last, late, lats, lays, leaf, leap, leas, left, lept, lest, lets, leys, loaf, loft, loof, loop, loos, loot, lope, lops, lose, lost, lota, lots, lyes, lyse, oafs, oast, oats, olea, oleo, oles, oops, oots, opal, opes, opts, oyes, pale, pals, paly, pase, past, pate, pats, paty, pays, peal, peas, peat, pelf, pelt, peso, pest, pets, plat, play, plea, plot, ploy, poet, pole, polo, pols, poly, poof, pool, pose, post, posy, pots, pyas, pyes, safe, sale, salp, salt, sate, seal, seat, self, sept, seta, slap, slat, slay, sloe, slop, slot, soap, sofa, soft, sola, sole, solo, soot, soya, spae, spat, spay, spot, stay, step, stey, stoa, stop, stye, tael, tale, taos, tape, taps, teal, teas, tela, tels, tepa, toea, toes, tola, tole, tool, tope, tops, toyo, toys, tyes, type, typo, yaps, yeas, yelp
5-letter words
afoot, alefs, aloes, aloft, aloof, altos, aptly, atopy, estop, false, fates, fatly, feast, feats, felts, fetal, fetas, flaps, flats, flays, fleas, fleys, float, floes, flops, flota, flyte, foals, fools, foots, footy, lapse, leafs, leafy, leaps, leapt, least, lefts, lefty, lepta, loafs, lofts, lofty, looey, loofa, loofs, loops, loopy, loose, loots, lopes, lotas, lotos, lyase, oleos, opals, pales, palet, palsy, paseo, paste, pasty, pates, patly, patsy, peals, peats, peaty, pelfs, pelts, pesto, petal, plate, plats, platy, plays, pleas, pleat, plots, ploys, poesy, poets, poles, polos, polys, pools, potsy, psoae, salep, salty, sepal, sepoy, septa, setal, slate, slaty, slept, sloop, slope, slype, soapy, softa, softy, sooey, sooty, sotol, spale, spate, spelt, splat, splay, spoof, spool, stale, steal, stela, stoae, stole, stool, stoop, stope, style, taels, tales, tapes, teals, telos, tepal, tepas, tepoy, tesla, tolas, toles, tools, topes, topos, toyos, typal, types, typos, yeast, yelps
6-letter words
aslope, fealty, featly, festal, floats, floaty, flooey, floosy, flotas, flytes, foetal, folate, footle, footsy, looeys, loofas, lysate, osteal, palest, palets, pastel, pelota, petals, peyotl, plates, platys, pleats, postal, safely, safety, saloop, sapote, septal, slatey, softly, solate, spoofy, staple, teapoy, tepals, tepoys
7-letter words
apostle, flypast, folates, footles, pelotas, peyotls, teapoys
9-letter words
482 words found.
Chat with our AI personalities
On the build mode go to misalanies (sorry can't spell :S) then click on the swimming pool icon and then make sure you have enough space and then drag it and then make sure it is green and left go and you should have a swimming pool ! :D
Does not make sense
Well,you actually cant make a pool on Sims 3 for Wii. Try XBox,or PC They have pools for Sims 3
Go to the pool option, and hold down control. then outline the pool like you would normally make one, let go of the mouse, and BOOM! no more pool. =)
yes because if you buy a pool in webkinz just click on the pool and they swim in the pool