On the build mode go to misalanies (sorry can't spell :S) then click on the swimming pool icon and then make sure you have enough space and then drag it and then make sure it is green and left go and you should have a swimming pool ! :D
Well,you actually cant make a pool on Sims 3 for Wii. Try XBox,or PC They have pools for Sims 3
You can build a pool with only the sims 2. Just go to the build menu, then the three random dots in the corner, and there should be the pool option. There is also fireplaces and gates there. Hope this helps.
On volcano island in the tidal pool area. =}
You Have To Download It Here Are To Good Sites That Have Really Good Sims 1 Sims 2 And Sims 3 Stuff - www.Parsimonious.com-www.ModTheSims2- Parsimonious U Dont Have To Pay Or Subscribe. But Mod The Sims U have To Subscribe And Have An Account.
You can not make a Sim anorexic.
You have to do the same thing you did to make the pool except press ctrl and do it the other way.
Well,you actually cant make a pool on Sims 3 for Wii. Try XBox,or PC They have pools for Sims 3
Go to building mode, pool, then the pool
No,There is no pool.There is a Rock Hot Tub tho. You go to the Item Catalog and click Plumbing,Look around and you will see a Rock Hot Tub.Buy that and your sim(s) will go to it.[[When they feel like it or you make them]].
Unfortunatly, you cannot make a pool in the sims 3 for wii. Sorry! Although, you can on the PC version.
No, but there is for Freetime.
You can build a pool with only the sims 2. Just go to the build menu, then the three random dots in the corner, and there should be the pool option. There is also fireplaces and gates there. Hope this helps.
On volcano island in the tidal pool area. =}
You Have To Download It Here Are To Good Sites That Have Really Good Sims 1 Sims 2 And Sims 3 Stuff - www.Parsimonious.com-www.ModTheSims2- Parsimonious U Dont Have To Pay Or Subscribe. But Mod The Sims U have To Subscribe And Have An Account.
Yes you can have a pool, but you need to make sure you have a big enough lot.
you can make a house with 2 floors in both sims 1 and sims 2.
You have to have Sims 2 University to make a college.