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I would strongly recommend using diffrent logs if you can but otherwise it probably would take at least maby 2m 1m logs which i have no clue i just like to help people with runescape

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Q: How many willow logs does it take from lvl 70-99 fletching?
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In runescape how many willow logs would you need to get your fletching from35 to 50?

1,187 - making willow short-bow's (u), may require less if you change to willow longbows (u) when you get to 40 fletching.

How many willow logs does it take to get from 75 firemaking to 99 firemaking?

You are looking at 131,378 Willow Logs.

In runescape how many willow logs would you have to chop from 50 to 60 woodcutting?

It would take exactly 2555 willow logs.

What is the most selling log in RuneScape?

Mainly Yew & Magic logs -fletching/firemaking reasons. Edit by Eng1sh: Due to the recent drop of the Maple logs in their value (from 44 gold pieces each to now about 36-39 gold pieces each) I would say that Maple logs are probably the most selling log in Runescape. Many players find them to be the best logs to burn for 99 Firemaking because of the better experience yield as opposed to Willow logs. They also give good experience for the Fletching skill, and many are sold everyday. Yew and Magic logs are typically too expensive to be traded on a mass-scale, and therefore Maple logs can be sold in greater bulk.

How many willow logs would you have to chop to get from level 35 to 60?

You would need to chop 2793 willow logs from level 35 to level 60 woodcutting.

How many maple logs starting from 70 fletching does it take to get 99 fletching on runescape?

first of all i would use yews and string them so you get 150 xp per bow (once strung) and you make 23 gp a bow which is very good. from 70 fletching till 90 fletching i have used over 30000 yew logs and strung then so it takes maybe 1-2 weeks (2-3 hours a day) Fletching can be very boring so you must be patient! hope this helps!

How many willow logs would it take from 30 firemaking to 99 firemaking on runescape?

144, 679 willow logs, which equals to 2,025,506 GP if you want to buy them all.

How many willow logs starting from lvl 30 FM does it take to get 99 firemaking in runescape?

You will need 150k willow logs to get 99 firemaking. I suggest using maples and yews after because it is faster.

How many willow logs do you need to make 1 mill?

43,479 As of 15th Sep 2012

How many willow logs will it take to get 55-99 firemaking in runescape?

1,021 Teak logs to get to 60 FiremakingFrom 60 Firemaking to 99, 63,016 Yew Logs.Note: this is the mid price optionThe most money saving is:122,551 Maple Logsor142,976 Willow logs, however this can still be dear.

How many williow logs do you need to burn to get from 51 to 99 FM?

You will need approximately 143,584 willow logs to get from level 53 to level 99 Firemaking.

How many willow logs will it take to get to lvl 99 firemaking from lvl 61 in Runescape?

It would take round about 120k willows, or you could do 60k willows and 50k maples which saves time -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (EDIT) Right Answer: About 100k Willow Logs.