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it takes a while depending on what game ex. diamond 20 - 30 tries. an easier way is to get a action replay code and you can make it shiny

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Q: How many random Pokemon encounters until you find a shiny Pokemon?
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How do you get shinies on Pokemon emerald?

You have a non-cumulative 1/8192 chance to find a shiny through random encounters or breeding. The chances for chaining shinies is marginally higher and rises until you hit chain 40.

How do you get shiny Pokemon on Pokemon Black and White?

they randomly come out if ur lukey you will find 1 go on youtube and search it then watch a video until it gives you a code to put in at a certain spot and then do what it tells you to and you will get a Pokemon some are shiny some ain't and you can do it as much as you want to. i got a bunch of shinies this way and i got a free RESHARAM TOO, but it wasnt shiny but hay its a resharam

When are legendary Pokemon decided to be shiny?

It is completely random unless you cheat or keep on trying to get it as a shiny by continuously checking it out and lightly resetting the game until you get it as a shiny.

Shiny Pokemon cheat code for Pokemon Yellow?

Shiny Pokemon weren't invented until Generation II of Pokemon. So there is no shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Yellow!

How do you obtain a shiny Pokemon without cheats?

keep on looking for pokemon until they appear shiny

How do you get shiny begginer Pokemon?

Save in front of where you get your starter Pokemon, then reset until your chosen starter is shiny.

How do you get shiny Pokemon in Dialga?

Save it before you catch dialga then every time he is not shiny restart it until he is shiny.

Can you breed a shiny Pokemon and a non-shiny Pokemon to get a shiny baby?

In the second generation, you had a 50% chance of getting a shiny Pokemon this way, but in the 3rd generation onwards, chances were decreased and you did not have a better chance of getting a shiny Pokemon by using this method. Additionally, you won't know if the baby Pokemon will be shiny until it hatches because eggs containing shiny Pokemon do not look any different from eggs that contain non-shiny Pokemon.

How do you get shiny legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl?

You could save before battling the pokemon, and keep battling it until it is shiny. (if it's not shiny reset the game and try again) Another way is to use the long and complicated, difficult to learn and use RNG [Random Number Generator] abuse process.

How do you get a shiny Aron in Pokemon sapphire?

You have a 1/8000 chances to see any shiny Pokemon find an area where you can find Aron alot and wait until its shiny then catch it.

Can you tell the difference between a normal egg and a shiny egg in Pokemon?

There is no way of telling if a Pokemon in an egg is shiny until it hatches. Sorry.

How do you get a shiny Pokemon in Pokemon dimond?

luck. or you can save your game before you meet a pokemon, and keep on restarting until you get a shiny monster. you can also buy an action replay