

Best Answer

Without Spaces or punctiation - 30

Without Spaces - 31

With Space and no Punctuation - 37

With Space and no Punctuation if there is a space at the beginning - 38

With space and punctiation - 38

With Spaces and punctiation if there is a space at the beginning - 39

If you you mean the word letters then there is one.

If you mean literal tangible letters then there are none.

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Q: How many letters are in this sentence?
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How many letters are there in this sentence?


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A word. Many groups of letters is called a sentence(:

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No sentence can be made using those letters.

What sentence can be made using these letters?

One sentence using all the letters in "these letters" could be: "Settle these letters on the shelf for later use."

How to use how many in a sentence?

How many questions are posted on this website? How many have been answered? How many letters are in the alphabet? 26 is how many letters are in the alphabet. 10 is how many years old I am ( not really ).

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I cannot make a sentence with the letters cmpel. This is not a word this is letters.

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The sentence "Pigs sip" can be made using the letters gsdpispspp.

How many letters are in a sentence?

The number of letters in words varies. There is no specific number of letters or of words in a sentence. In poetry, the shortest expression is "O !" An utterance can be as short as "Hi." Two or three letter words make up simple sentences in everyday speech. More complex sentences need more words, and hence, will have more letters in them.

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"WORDS" is a common noun that appears in all capital letters in the sentence.

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Transposing the first letters of words in a sentence is called spoonerism.

A sentence with first 25 letters of the alphabet but with no repetetion?

There is no such sentence.

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The nouns in the sentence are:companyBetter-Letters Inc.letterheads