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Hi, this is Zialda of I am spreading this guide around for anyone to use, for tricks, tips, and hints.

Hi, I'm Zialda. This is the WQ Walkthrough, giving you all the hints, tips, cheats, and tricks to get through Wolf Quest Amethyst Mountain, and Slough Creek, with no delay. If you have any further comments, questions, or suggestions, please post under. Thanks for reading!

Happy Hunting,




~Buttons and Controls~


~Hunting Tips~

~Amethyst Mountain Guide~

~Mates- The perfect one~

~Slough Creek Guide~


~Your Pups~


~The Final Challenge-The Journey~


Wolf Quest is an online, interactive game where you are a wolf, going through your life cycle. You must hunt, mate, find territory, and protect your pack. There will be struggles throughout your 'life', and you must face them, head on and standing your ground. You must be prepared to give your life for your pack- no matter what the challenge is. Be bold. Be strong. Be courageous. Star Pack is watching over you...

Buttons and Controls

Q: Switch from running mode to walk (vice versa)

W/Up arrow key: Forward run/walk

A/Left arrow key: Left turn

S/Right arrow key: Right turn

Z/Downward arrow key: Walk backwards

O: Switch from locked on mode, to free turn mode

P: Mark scent (Only works in Slough Creek)

-: Zoom out

+/=: Zoom in

H: Howl

J: Wag tail

K: Bow/Play

X: Jump

C: Chat (Multiplayer only)

V: Switch from scent mode to locked/free turn mode

N: Names on/off

M: Map

Shift with W: Stalk

?: Control panel

ESC: Options screen

Home button (optional): Back up plan if screen freezes


Making your wolf is the most creative part of the game. You get to choose the color, speed, stamina, strength, gender, and name of your wolf. Make up a fun, creative name for your wolf. (Ex. Dyoxy, Shadow, BlackBlood, Feraleye, ect.)

Note: If you want full speed and strength, follow these simple instructions:

1) Proceed to pull speed all the way to the top

2) Pull strength up about a 1/2 inch, then pull speed all the way to the top again

3) Repeat this method until the strength ceases to pull back, letting the speed get all the way to the top

Note-to-self: Males give full strength, while females take away about 1/2 inch of progress.

Hunting Tips

You must eat to survive on your journey. Hunting can be difficult, and it is for most. If you do not wish to hunt, simply find a rabbit or carcass to feed on. But on the subject of hunting, I will give you tips to help you along the way. First, you must choose the gender of the elk: male, which is more hard; or female, easy to kill. Males are called bulls, and females cows. Once you choose, pick the one of the least amount of health. Then, instead of stalking it from behind, charge at it head on! If you bite the neck, it does more damage. When the health has gone down to approxiementaly 3 bites left, it will turn around to face you. Wait until your green stamina is full, then lunge at it's throat and hold down the spacebar for maximum damage. You may die, but that is okay because you respawn. Do not be afraid to die, but be sure to save your game some time during the hunt, as to if a glitch occurs in the middle of the hunt. Try to avoid high grounds during a hunt, many wolves have glitched out and begun to 'fly' over AM and SC. When the hunt is complete, walk over to your kill and begin to eat. If you have a mate (usually the females do it), your mate will sometimes hunt for you. Watch out for that as well. The elk may kill your mate, and your mate will respawn. Just make sure he/she doesn't die next to a carcass, or he/she may actually look, act, or be an elk- one you can actually hunt and kill. Surprising. Be careful of the bulls, they will strike back as soon as you make the 4th blow or less.

Amethyst Mountain Guide

Get to know your surroundings. You will hunt, mate, and travel faster, and more efficiently. Take the time to get to know AM, which stands for Amethyst Mountain. (SC stands for Slough Creek) Coyotes can be a nusiance, as can bears. Coyotes are mainly scavengers, meaning that once you leave the carcass you are feeding on, they will surround it and begin to eat it. Bears, on the other hand, have their own carcasses they killed. Go within 10 feet of the beast, and it will slash at you, taking away 1/4 of your health. In some cases, you can run in and eat the carcass, bear swatting at you. When you get near the last bite, and when the bear isn't swatting at you, run backwards. Then you will happily have full health and a full stomach. Watch out though, if you go to Soda Butte Vista, or High Ridge, you may find yourself 'flying' if you proceed to go straight off the edge of the butte. I found that out for myself while attacking a bear. Save every few minutes, it saves all progress if you glitch out or your screen freezes suddenly. There is a carcass at the starting point of AM- by the dead tree. Not the pond, called dead tree, the tree itself on the lower left part of the screen where you begin.

Mates- The perfect one

In the game, you must find the perfect mate for life. It depends on what color you want your pups to be, and what personality you want your mate to be. Start out by going to the brightest colored wolf on your compass, which is on the top left corner of your screen. It displays your stamina, health, name, mate, pack affinity, pups' health, and territory marker. Though, you only start out with no mate, pups, or territory of your own. When you get to know AM and begin your quest for a mate, you have to fight 3 other wolves before you can even think about it. The brightest colored wolf on your compass is the closest wolf territory. When you enter the territory, enter Scent Mode (V). That way you can sniff out the scent markers around the territory. When you see a yelow line, open up your map and judge which side to follow. (Ex. Scent marker is out at edge of territory to left, go to the right.) After you have fought the 3 wolves, you must look for a Dispersal Male/Female. Duck out of the territory you are currently in, then turn around and go back in to look for a mate. If you are male, you want a small, healthy, but mild tempered female. (AM itself has good choices) If you are female, you want a large, healthy, and mild tempered male. (Grassy Plains has good choices.) If you enter the territory, find the wolf, but don't like it, just redo ducking in and out. When you find the perfect mate, use this pattern: 'Hello there!' (Mate repeats), 'I like you' (MR), 'Let's Play!' (MR), 'Let's start a pack!' (MR, and do it the last 2 times.). Now, if by some strange chance, your future mate gets edgy or nervous, say, 'Don't leave, it's okay'. Once you get your prize, howl, hunt, and run together and get to 'know' each other. Your bond grows stronger that way. If you want your pups to be the color of you and your mate combined, gain 50,000 Experience Points along the way. Once you leave, you must find a den, mark it, then the pups come- hence, I suggest gaining those points at AM.

Slough Creek Guide

You and your mate must now establish territory of your own for your pups to live in safely. Now, if you want the Great Journey to be more adventurous, take either Saddle Meadows or Aspen Heights. If you prefer the still-trecherous journey of going across the Sand Bar Crossing and past wolf territory, pick Bison Peaks. (There is a 'secret' den next to Bison Peaks. That one sadly cannot be used. Check out all the den sites to see which one you like best, if you're not choosy. But mainly and above all, get to know your surroundings. Hunt some elk with your mate, or just scavenge carcasses from around the area. Toy with a few bears maybe, stealing their prey. Annoy and play tag with coyotes, it's pretty fun. Kill a few of them if you want to show who's boss. Have fun exploring!


Once you choose your favorite site, go around your territory and mark it. Make sure you scan the whole territory- enemy wolves are lurking everywhere if you don't mark your territory often. Sometimes you have to fight, but it's for your pack. Be ready for the pups to come, because once you mark it up to 88-90% it says, 'Please wait a moment for springtime (and your pups) to come to Slough Creek...'. Mark it often, or intruders like bears, wolves, and coyotes will come and snatch your pups from before your very eyes. Howl often, too.

Your Pups

Once you have your pups, you can name them, unless you don't have many Experience Points. If you can't name them, or want to rename them later, press Esc., then Pack Stats, and you can rename your mate and/or pup(s). Training your pups. Training your pups with the dragging them back to the den can be exhausting! Just howl, if you don't want all the work. Finally, it comes time to crow your pups. Feed them every 2 minutes or so, depending on how long you plan to keep them here before the journey to your Rendevous Site. Once your pups reach 15.0-9 pounds, you can either stay at the den, or make The Great Journey. Howl often, and feed your pups often.


Hawk/Eagle: Large- as big as you. It will fly around in circles and swoop in to grab one of your pups. Lunge at it (X) or run at it to scare it off. It will follow you throughout your whole Great Journey, so be careful!

Coyotes: Small- but don't judge them by their size. They will Dodge in, kill a pup, eat it, and then dodge back out. Run after them and kill them! Then other coyotes know to stay away from your territory...

Bears: Large- but cowardish. They back away from you and run away. Chase tem, bite them 4 times, then go eat a carcass, because they will fight back. Watch out for these lumbering beasts!

The Final Challenge- The Journey

Best Routes for Den Sites:

Saddle Meadows: Go down the hill, swim across the creek as fast as you can, or go to the most shallow spot. Go around Little Butte and journey dead ahead straight across the meadow to Douglas Fir Forest.

Aspen Heights: Go across the field towards the Sand Bar Crossing. Watch out for wolf territory that is not yours. Go around pink/red territory and go straight across to Douglas Fir Forest.

Bison Peaks: Go down through elk hunting grounds and go around pink territory. Venture on towards Douglas Fir Forest.

Note!: Zoom out all the way, walk backwards toward your destination, and the pups will follow. Unless you prefer to carry your pups one by one across.

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Is there a WolfQuest 1?

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You must first complete the current quests you're asked to complete, which is finding a den and marking your territory.

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Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to complete WolfQuest to unlock multiplayer. The feature is available immediately after installing the game-- to play, you will need to have registered an account on the community forums in order to login and play with other members of WolfQuest. (See the provided sources / related links.)

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WolfQuest is absolutely free. You can download it at the WolfQuest website.

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It is already...actually... WolfQuest 2 and WolfQuest 2.5 are available for download now.

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You can not download previous versions of WolfQuest. But, you can download the latest, WolfQuest 2.5! It can be found on WolfQuest's website(

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You are not able to get previous versions of WolfQuest.

Can somebody give me a working WolfQuest account?

WolfQuest can!

Is WolfQuest free to download?

wolfquest is completely free

Is wolfquest out for the Wii?

WolfQuest is only available for the computer. Perhaps one day, if enough funding, the WolfQuest admins will consider making WolfQuest available for other systems.

Can you have puppys on wolfquest?

You can now have puppies in WolfQuest, since WolfQuest: Survival of the Pack was released on 1st January 2010.