you go to all the caves in sinnoh (volar azelf acuity uxie and verity mespirt) and you will see them. battle them a try to catch them .But when you talk to Mespirt he will disappear .he will be roaming around sinnoh.
you need azelf,uxie,mesprit to open the cave after beating the Pokemon league
You can't, you will need to trade them from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum.
azelf is at lake valor after freeing it mesprit is at lake verity after freeing it and uxie is at lake accuity after freeing it (i cant believe that i still remember this even though i lost pearl 3 years ago ant still cant find it)
You cannot combine Pokémon.
there is nothing you really need to do with azelf, uxie, and mersprit. you just need to see them to complete your pokedex.
you find them in the three lakes in diamond, pearl, and platinum.
Mesprit Azelf Uxie Palkia
All of the legendary Pokemon in diamond!Dialga, Uxie, Azelf, Mesprit and Manaphy and if your playing pearl it's Palkia, Uxie, Azelf, Mesprit and Manaphy. Hope I helped!
they are the three legendary trio of lakes they live in three lakes azelf in lake valor mesprit in lake verity and uxie in lake acuity
sorry man, but you cant get a azelf uxie or mesprit in Pokemon soul silver...
Mesprit, Azelf, Uxie, palkia, Giratina, Heatran, Cresselia, Regigigas, rotom(debated).
palkia or dialga giratina regigigas cressilia mesprit uxie azelf and i think that's it in diamond and pearl
Dialga (Diamond Version) Palkia (Pearl Version) Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf Darkrai, Arceus, Shaymin
Azelf Mesprit and Uxie combined.
Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf are three different legendary Pokémon that do not evolve to or from any other Pokémon.