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you need azelf,uxie,mesprit to open the cave after beating the Pokemon league

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Q: What is in the cave in celestic town on Pokemon pearl?
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In Pokemon Pearl you have captured Uxie Mesprit and Azelf Can you do anything in the cave in Celestic Town and what?

some say you can catch dialga in the celestic cave, that's how i got him.

Where do you get hm surf Pokemon pearl?

cynthia's grandmother in celestic town will give it to you after you beath the galatic boss and talk to the circle in the celestic cave...

Why is there a G grunt in front of the cave on Pokemon pearl?

because hes blocking the way out to celestic town

What Pokemon leader is the one where you can do surf out of a battle in Pokemon pearl?

You have to defeat fantina in hearthome city after you save celestic town and look at the cave painting.

Where to get surf Pokemon pearl?

Go to Celestic Town and battle the Galactic Grunt blocking the cave. After you defeat him, go into the cave. There is an old woman who will give you the HM Surf.

What is the wall in the cave in Celestic Town?

it simbolizes the three lake Pokemon

What is the point of the cave in celestic town in Pokemon platinum?

so you can suck it

Where is the elder in celestic town in pokemon platinum?

In the cave or in one of the houses.

Is there a Pokemon behind the wall of the ruins in celestic town?

No, but an ancient cave painting is.

In Pokemon DP at Celestic town in the cave what do you have to do there?

Nothing yet.................. Nothing yet..................

Where in Mt Coronent is the spear pillar in Pokemon pearl?

in the same place as it is in diamond on platinum. use rock climb in the cave opening closest to celestic town.

Where is cynthias grandmother in pokemon pearl?

She is in Celestic town. Fight the Galactic Grunt protecting the ruins in Celestic Town and Cynthia's grandmother will appear.