fly, if you haven't got it, go west of celadon city and cut the grass before snorlax, follow the road and a lady in a house gives you it, beat the celadon gym and you can fly.
or go back through the tunnel north of lavender town
You may first want to go through Diglett's cave (there's a lot of good stuff on the other side of the tunnel), but eventually you'll have to go back to Cerulean City (Misty's Town) and cut down the tree on the eastern border of the town. You can then proceed east to rock tunnel, which leads to Lavender Town.
in almost every town (in your home town use your house) If you mean Pokemon center. Cherrygrove City, Violet City, Azalea Town, Goldenrod City, Ecruteak City, Cianwood City, Olivine City, Safari Zone, Mahogany Town, Blackthorn City, Indigo Plateau (Pokemon League), Mt. Silver (Silver Cave), Viridian City, Pewter City, Cerulean City, Vermillion City, Lavender Town, Celadon City, Fuschia City, Saffron City, Cinnabar Island, Kanto Route 10, Johto Route 32, Kanto Route 3.
The cities in Kanto are Saffron,Cerulean,Vermillion,Cinnabar Island,Pewter,Viridian,Fuchsia and Celadon.The last places are Pallet and Lavender Town.
Vermillion City is in Knato and Slateport is in Hoenn; you can't.
By walking there from Saffron City or through Rock Tunnel from Cerulean City.
Lavender town is south of Rock Tunnel (East of Cerulean City), due East of Saffron City and, lastly in Kanto (not Johto). So, go north from Vermillion (where SS Anne is) to Saffron city and then take the Eastern route to Lavender town.
That would be Celadon City. (You must go via Rock Tunnel and Lavender town to be able to access Celadon City)
Black Tunnel, East Saffron and Fishing Part North of Fuschia City and Vermillion City
water path is to the right of saffron city. down from lavender town and right and up from vermillion
Digletts Cave is in Vermillion city although you have to go to Lavender Town to have your pokegear updated to have the poke flute music put on it.
above vermillion next to celadon next to lavender below cerulean city
What town!? Be more specific with your questions! There is the following towns: New Bark Town Cherrygrove City Violet City Azalea Town Goldenrod City Ecruteak City Olivine City Cianwood City Mahogany Town Blackthorn City Vermillion City Saffron City Lavender Town Cerulean City Celadon City Fuchsia City Pewter City Viridian City Pallet Town Cinnabar Island Seafoam Island
get the raido card from radio tower in lavender town and then go back to vermillion city and use the flute tune on the radio
there is no gym leader in lavender town
If you do not have fly, go South to Vermillion, then go West to Diglett's Cave. Use cut to get onto the path that will be on the left once you get out of the cave, then go North.
Lavender Town
go right of lavender town