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You can place as many on the field as you wish. That is to say, if you somehow had 10 Spell Cards in hand, you are allowed to activate them all - you'd activate one, let it resolve, and it would go to the graveyard after.

Keep in mind though you have only 5 regular S/T slots, and a Field Spell Card slot. If you activate any continuous Spells, or Set a spell, then these are taking a slot up. If you fill all your slots like this, you cannot activate any other cards until a slot is freed up.

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Q: How many Yu-Gi-Oh Spell cards can be placed on the field per turn?
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How many Yugioh cards are you allowed to place on the field?

You are only allowed 11 cards as a maximum on a field, you have five monster card slots, five spell/trap slots, and a Field Spell Card slot.

Can you randomly discard spell or trap cards from the field if you want YuGiOh?

You can't ever just discard cards for no reason, you can only do so if instructed to by a card effect or a game rule, such as the one that lets you replace one Field Spell Card with another.

How many field cards are allowed in a yugioh deck?

there is no limit

Can a card like Mystical Space Typhoon or De-Spell destroy a Field Card in Yugioh?

Yes, both Mystical Space Typhoon and De-Spell can destroy a Field Spell card in Yu-Gi-Oh. When you activate these cards and target a Field Spell, you can destroy that Field Spell card.

Is there a yugioh card that will let you play more than 5 spell or trap cards?

No, there isn't. Unless you count a Field Spell Card, which is a spell card but has its own zone, so technically you can have 6 spells active.

Is the graveyard part of the field?

The Graveyard is part of the Playing Field. When a card states "...on the field...", it is referring to cards that are placed in the Monster Card Zone, the Field Spell Card Zone, and the Spell & Trap Card Zone.

Does field spell cards affect Armityle the Chaos Phantom's effect?

Depends on the field spell. Inherently, Armityle has no effect that says he is immune to the effect of field spell cards.

In yugioh can you replace field cards with other field cards?

You may replace your active Field Spell card with a new one, either Setting it or Activating it. Your old card is destroyed and goes to the graveyard. Replacing an active Geartown by Setting a second one is a focal combo in Geartown decks. If your opponent has a Field Spell card active, this is destroyed when you resolve a Field Spell card. However their active one is not destroyed if you just Set one, and neither is their Set one destroyed if you activate or Set one too.

Can you tribute a card from your hand by a card effect in Yugioh?

You can, only if something specifically says you can. Tribute for most Ritual Spell Cards can come from hand. But if the card doesn't specify, the tribute must come from your side of the field.

Do yu gi oh field cards destroy other field cards?

A Field Spell Card is destroyed when another Field Spell Card is activated or via an effect, such as Dust Tornado. If you activate a Field Spell Card while there is another already active on the field, your Field Spell Card will destroy and replace the existing one.

Yugioh 1 if you have dimension fortress weapon face up on the field can anyone play cards like lightsworn?


In Yugioh does silent swordsman level 7 negate all spells?

Almost. It's text clearly states that it "negate(s) the effect of all spell cards on the field". So as long as it's a spell card active on the field, it is no good. Some cards, however, activate when they are sent to the graveyard, but those are rare. but if u use the effect of destiny hero diamond dude then silent sworsman cant negate it