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Depends on the field spell. Inherently, Armityle has no effect that says he is immune to the effect of field spell cards.

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Q: Does field spell cards affect Armityle the Chaos Phantom's effect?
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What is the 3 sacred beasts fused called?

The three Sacred Beasts, Uria, Hamon and Raviel, fuse into 'Armityle the Chaos Phantom'.

What is the name of the three wicked god cards fused?

Armityle, the Chaos Phantom.

Is Armityle The Chaos Phantom fake?

No, Armityle is a real card, he was released as a secret rare in Ancient Prophecy, and as a super rare reprint in Legendary Collection 2.

Is there a fusion of the three sacred beast cards?

Yes, it's called Armityle the Chaos Phantom.

What is the name of the sacred beasts fusion in Yu-Gi-Oh?

It is called 'Armityle the Chaos Phantom'.

When does the Yu-Gi-Oh card Armityle the Chaos Phantom come out in English?

it's coming out in ancient prophecy

What do get when you fuse together all 3 sacred beasts?

armityle, the chaos phantom. it is in the ancient prophecy yugioh pack.

How do bumble bees affect other organisms?

CHAOS EFFECT (or commonly known as the BUTTERFLY EFFECT)

Which pack of Yu-Gi-Oh cards does armitael lord of chaos come in?

He is now known in the TCG as Armityle the Chaos Phantom, and you can find him as a Secret Rare in packs of Ancient Prophecy.

How many sacred beast fusions are there in the world?

If you mean how many versions of a card, there is just one, Armityle the Chaos Phantom.If you are asking how many actual cards of Armityle were printed, there must be hundreds of thousands worldwide, including his Japanese original release.

Egyptian God cards or Armityle The Chaos Phantom who would end the duel?

I would say Armityle, as 10000 easily beats 4000 for Obelisk. but still, that only does 6000 damage, but the other cards are dependant on the player, so there is no way of knowing for sure.