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Four that have been released, and they are making a fifth currently.

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Q: How many Pokemon generations are there?
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Why is donphan in mewtwo strikes back when he is a johto Pokemon?

For many of its Pokemon movies, Nintendo has included Pokemon from future generations to build anticipation and promote the next generation of Pokemon.

What Pokemon are in the pokedex on Pokemon Platinum?

every pokemon from that game and generations before

Are pokemon toy characters still original?

There are some old and some new pokemon toys. There are 6 generations of Pokemon, each generation adds more and more Pokemon to the already gigantic range of Pokemon toys. However there are many Pokemon that have been carried through the generations and Pokemon from generation 1 which are very much still famous and are still being produced.

What is more awesome pokemon or Bakugan?

Pokemon. But not the two newest generations.

What is the pokemon dream world?

the dream world is where you can get pokemon from different generations.

Can you trade Pokemon LeafGreen Pokemon to Pokemon Yellow?

No. They are different generations, so they can't trade.

Which game is better Pokemon Rumble or sonic generations?

This a question that only you can answer. Pokemon rumble is a game with attack waves. Sonic Generations is move of a platformer.

How do you fight from Pokemon white to Pokemon Platinum?

You cant because they are different generations

Will Pokemon Black and White let you catch older generations of Pokemon?


What generations does Pokemon Black have?

black is in gen. 5

Will Pokemon Black and white be able to copy the new Pokemon to Pokemon Battle Revolution?

No because Pokemon Battle Revolution is a generation four game, while Pokemon Black and White are generation five games. There is no way to move Pokemon backwards through generations, but you can move Pokemon from older to newer generations.

When does mew evolve in generations?

Legendary Pokemon can't evolve.