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No. Pokemon Black and White have new Pokemon that the past games' engines cannot recognize. Even if you battle with Pokemon from previous generations, they might be loaded with moves from the new generation.

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Q: How Can you battle between Pokemon platinum and Pokemon Black or white?
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Can you battle between Pokemon platinum and Pokemon black?


Can Pokemon Black 2 and platinum battle?

No, but you can import Platinum Pokemon to Black.

Can you battle between Pokemon platinum and Pokemon black or white?

yes,you can battle with any Pokemon game that's for the ds/dsi/the new 3DS.

Is there a battle frontier in Pokemon black?

No, there is no battle frontier my brother (Pokemon master) says so. their is however one in platinum.

Can Pokemon black battle with Pokemon Platinum?

No for some reason the makers of Pokemon this time have made it so you can not battle with older games such as pearl, platinum, dimond, or heart gold or soul silver.

How do you battle with Pokemon Black and Pokemon SoulSilver?

You cannot battle between a Pokemon Black game and a Pokemon Soulsilver game.

Do you have to battle a trainer to get defog?

in Pokemon white, black, platinum, heartgold, soulsilver, diamond, and pearl you do not need to battle anybody

Can you battle Pokemon diamond pearl and platinum trade and battle with black and white?

No. I tried that with a teenager named Sean and it didn't work.

How do you trade into platinum from black by beating the elite four?

you can transfer Pokemon from Pokemon platinum to black and white but you can't trade from black to platinum

What is the next game after diamond and pearl?

After Diamond and Pearl, there's Pokemon Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver, Battle Revolution, My Pokemon Ranch and then Pokemon Black and White.

When do you get to trade Pokemon blacks pokeon to Pokemon Platinum Pokemon?

You can never trade Pokemon from Black to Platinum, because Generation V Pokemon do not appear in Platinum or any other game before Black and White. However, you an transfer Pokemon from Platinum to Black after you beat the game.

How do you trade black and white Pokemon to platinum?

You can't, you only can transfer Pokemon Platinum Pokemon to Black and White. I repeat, YOU CAN'T.