Apparently you are supposed to wait an hour or two. I'm not sure, but not all trees attract burmies; only the one near floaroma town or pastoria. I'm still waiting for mine - good luck! Hope this helped.
You have to put honey on a tree and wait for at least half a day, then you should get some Pokemon that are attracted to the honey on trees are random so it may take a while for Burmy to appear.
Burmy is a bug type Pokémon.
you battle with a burmy in a building(NOT the resteraunt!)
you can catch burmy from slathering honey on a tree.
Send burmy into battle on a beach or in a building
it depends what tree it is cause not all of them have a burmy but it take an hour or 2
put some honey on a tree and wait 6 hours then check the tree. hopefully its a burmy
put honey on a tree and wait then go back and viola a burmy munchlax cherubi combee or heracross may appear
Mothim is. Evolve a Male Burmy to level 21 I believe and you'll have it. You can try to GTS a male Burmy or slather honey on a tree, wait and hopefully it'll be a Burmy~
you put honey on the tree in floaroma meadow by the house then wait 6 hours and press a on the tree when it is moving and there will be a burmy. p.s burmy will evolve at lv. 20, if a girl it evolves to wormadam, if a boy it evolves into mothim.!
i think the only way is to put honey on a tree wait less than 6 hours if it is moving it is a Pokemon it has a 30% chance of being a burmy
slather tree with honey and wait 12hours and you might get one
You have to wait the full 8-12 hours!
put honey on honey trees ad wait for one to come
By putting honey on honey trees then wait for them to shake.
You need to put honey on a tree, wait nine to twelve hours and the tree will be shaking. There is a chance that the Pokemon there will be a burmy. It's very possible that it will be a different Pokemon, though.
hi i am emon, this like code go to yellow tree and spray some honey and wait 9 hours (not longer than that) ten you will find a burmy. enjoy