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Burmy is a bug type Pokémon.

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Q: What type of Pokemon is burmy?
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How do you get a Burmy with a Trash Cloak on Pokemon Platinum?

Take any type of Burmy and have it battle in a city or town like area.

What s the Pokemon after burmy in the pokedex?

The Pokemon after Burmy is Wormadam or if its a male it will evolved into Mothim.

Where is Burmy in Pokemon diamond?

Burmy can be found on honey trees.

How do you get Burmy in Pokemon Ruby?

Burmy is a Generation IV pokemon, and is therefore unavailable in the earlier games.

Where is bermy?

Burmy is a Bug type Pokemon that was introduced in the fourth generation of games. In the remakes of Pokemon Gold and Silver, known as Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, Burmy can be found by using Headbutt on trees on Route 38.

How do you burmy evolve in Pokemon pearl?

burmy evolves at level 22

How do you get mothim in Pokemon indigo?

get burmy and evolve it.....My Answer: Huh, Burmy doesnt evolve in Pokemon IndigoMY Answer: Burmy DOES evolve in PK Indigo, it takes some patience.

What is Pokemon 45 in Pokemon Pearl?

it is Burmy

Pokemon Platinum what is Pokemon 45?


How do you change a burmy's cloak in Pokemon?

Burmy has three different types of cloaks; trash, sand, and grass. Depending on where your burmy's last battle was, it will change its cloak to match the area.Grass cloak - battle in a forest or grasslands type areaTrash cloak - battle in a city or urban type of areaSand cloak - battle in a mountainous or dessert type of areaThis is important if your burmy is female, because the type of cloak your burmy is wearing when it evolves affects what type of wormadam it evolves into. However, if your burmy is male, it will evolve into mothem, which is not affected by the type of cloak burmy was previously wearing.After your burmy battles in a grassy or forest type of area, it will change into a grass cloak.Make your Burmy battle in a city or town type of area (for example, the Jubilife TV Station) and it will change to a trash cloak.

What level will a burmy evolve into a mothim in Pokemon indigo?

Easy, just make sure the Burmy is Female and train it. Same with Mothim exept the Gender is different.

What Pokemon is 45 in Pokemon Pearl?

45 is Burmy