You have to put honey on a tree and wait for at least half a day, then you should get some Pokemon that are attracted to the honey on trees are random so it may take a while for Burmy to appear.
It is Burmy, in Sinnoh. You can find Burmy in honey-filled trees. It's uncommon there.
look in a poke man book
if you meen the national dex then you need to find every Pokemon in the sinnoh pokedex
Parasect: Evolve from Paras.
you cant you have to get a burmy by slathering a tree with honey and then evolve it
Pokemon #45 would be Burmy, though it is rather rare and you can only find it by putting honey on a tree
It is Burmy, in Sinnoh. You can find Burmy in honey-filled trees. It's uncommon there.
You find burmy in sweet honey trees where you can slather the honey.
Its Wormadan... And in the pokedex doesnt appears... I guess you'll find a trainer later on who has ir.... unless you catch a burmy... it evolves into a Wormadan
you can't find them wild you need to evolve a female burmy to get wormadam and a male burmy to get a mothim
Evolve from female Burmy
you evolve a male burmy
evolve a female Burmy.
You cannot find this Pokemon in the wild, you have to evolve a female burmy at lv.20. Or you can try the GTS.
Pokedex no. 45 is Burmy. Use honey in trees and keep coming back. When it's shaking, check it. If it's not a Burmy, try again. Pokebomb123
well you need to have all your Pokemon in your pokedex and when you get your national pokedex you will get breed
you have to catch all of the pokemon in diamond or SEE all of the pokemon