you cant you have to get a burmy by slathering a tree with honey and then evolve it
The moon stone is used in Pokemon Diamond to evolve certain Pokemon. You can find one by looking in the Underground.
You can find Aron only in Diamond.
No. A hippo isnt a pokemon.
well, dig isn't a HM in Pokemon diamond, but it is an TM. anyway, you can find it on route 214, inside a cave where you'll find the ruin maniac- the same place where you find hippopotas.
you can only get an Empoleon at the start if you chose a piplup. Empoleon is it's last evolution. You can battle someone with it at Victory Road on your way up to the Pokemon League.
You can find Misdreavus on Pokémon Diamond, you'll have to trade it with Pokémon Pearl.
you probably have to find numel and then evolve it either with a stone or just basic evolution. good luck!
There is a dusk stone in mt.cornet, i think. I don't now where it is is but you have to ue surf to get it.
You can find Pidey in a Pokemon Outbreak in Pokemon Diamond
135 is Jolteon, an evolution of Eevee. You can't find Jolteon in the wild, you need to evolve your Eevee by using a Thunderstone.
Inside Eterna Forest, near the entrance.
IIRC, evolution stones can be found the the wireless Underground. You first get to access this when you reach the town where you get the Bicycle.
where do i find a totodile in Pokemon diamond/pearl on nintendods
You can not find or get manaphy on Pokemon diamond but you can by hacking, trading or... if you have Pokemon ranger you have to complete the manaphy mission and then you can put it onto diamond.
You can't find a Ho-ho in Pokemon Diamond. You have to migrate.
To get a Manaphy in Pokemon Diamond you have to get Pokemon ranger and defeat it and you have to trade it to Pokemon Diamond,Platinum or Pearl.