On a honey tree, which appears as a yellow tree. you spread honey on it and wait aboout 2-24 hours. if the tree is shaking, you will have a Pokemon, whoch might be a burmy. and a trainer outside jublife city has 1 as well its his only Pokemon and youre welcome =)
Take any type of Burmy and have it battle in a city or town like area.
how do you catch a mewtwo on Pokemon platinum
you cannot catch the 3 regi's in Pokemon platinum you have to catch them in Pokemon emerald then transfer them to Pokemon platinum. thnx
u get a male burmy and level it up and it will evntually evolve
Evolve a male burmy, which can sometimes be caught by rubbing honey on various yellowish trees in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. Burmy evolves at level 20.
You ca't see it! Put some honey on a tree and catch a burmy then evolve burmy
In order to get a wormadam in Pokemon Platinum, you need to catch a female Burmy and evolve it.
Its Wormadam! You have to let it evolve from a Burmy which you can catch by Sweet Honey Trees.
You find Burmy by spreading honey on a honey tree.
you cant .however, you can catch burmy, the first evolution of wormadam, by putting honey on yellow twees.
Eterna forest
pokemon 46 is a wormadam,and you can't catch it in the game.although, you can catch a burmy,(its previous form),almost anywhere.it is most common on route 209,the grass patches just before solaceon town.:)
You can get a pink Burmy after battling inside buildings.
You can get a pink Burmy after battling inside buildings.
You cannot catch Wormadam, it evolves from Burmy. Burmy can be found in the Sweet Honey Trees.