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u get a male burmy and level it up and it will evntually evolve

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Q: How do you get a mothim in Pokemon platinum?
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Do any trainers in Pokemon platinum have a mothim?

yes grass type trainers do

What type of Pokemon is Mothim?

Mothim is a Bug and Flying type pokemon.

What level does mothim evolve into on Pokemon indigo?

Mothim does not evolve.

In Pokemon Platinum I am trying to trade my Mothim for a Magmar with a magmarizer that was offered up in the Global Trading Center and it is not letting me is there something I am doing wrong?

the person trading the magmar may want a higher level mothim or maybe you need to check what Pokemon they want again.

What evolves into a mothim on Pokemon indigo?

A male Burmy evolves into Mothim.

How do you evolve wormadam in Pokemon platinum?

You can't. If you want a Mothim, you catch a male Burmy, because only the males evolve into Mothim. They don't even go through the Wormadam stage. Females only evolve into Wormadam.

Is mothim a legendary Pokemon?


How do you catch a mothim in Pokemon indigo?

by creating your room with mothim in. fire blaze doesn't work. it will steel your Pokemon.

Where can you find an mothim on Pokemon indigo?

Mothim can be found in Mahogany Town where Pryce is.

What is the evolution before mothim in Pokemon diamond?

Before Mothim would be a male Burmy.

How do you get wordan in Pokemon pearl for DS?

Wormadam is a Pokemon from the Pokemon Pearl, Diamond, and Platinum video games. It is obtained by leveling a female Burmy to level 20. A male Burmy will not evolve into Wormadam, but instead into Mothim.

How do you see a mothim in pokemon pearl?

Evolve a male burmy, which can sometimes be caught by rubbing honey on various yellowish trees in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. Burmy evolves at level 20.