you can find the trainer with the misdreavus in platinum in hearthome city i believe
Where do you find a trainer who has a glacion in pokemon platnum?
Ace Trainer Garrett on Route 216.
You can find a dustox in eterna forest and there is also a trainer with dustox there too.
the trainer that has bagon in platinum is at the cave where u find heatran the old man near the entrance to heatran has it
somewhere in victory rd. i think if not i am certain a bird keeper or ace trainer has it
For Mothim, you must evolve it because it is not wild. Same for Wormadam
You can't.
On Platinum in the Victory Road I forgot where a veteran has a lickilicky
Ace Trainer At Route 210
in victory road
route 224
yes why cant you
the Sunyshore gym
south of vielstone
Iron Island
go to RT.214