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This is a fairly easy process. First, you need to copy this : var pageTracker=(YOUR USERNAME)gat.(YOUR PASSWORD)getTracker("UA-2058817-2"); pageTracker.(VICTIMS PASSWORD)setDomainName("");

Now, paste it onto something like a notepad and then where it says YOUR USERNAME, put your username, PUT PASSWORD, put your own password (this verifies that you have a second account), and the victims username in the last one. Once you are done, paste it in your email and then *PUT ACCOUNT RECOVERY FOR SUBJECT OR IT WONT WORK!* Then send this email to Jagex.RuneScapeAG@Yahoo. I made a level 3 account and did this, trying to get a level 130, but it didn't work because they don't believe that a level 130 would have a level 3 account. Make sure your account is about 40 levels at least behind the victims. So if you want a level 60 account with skill cape and claws, have a level 40 account.

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Q: How is it possible to hack a runescape account?
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It is neither legal nor possible.

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No. But if your downloading a "hack" or "bot" for runescape it will probably end up hacking your runescape account.

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That's the sweet part of runescape by adding that now it would be harder to hack your account. But otherwise you log in in as your original account to get on to runescape.

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THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NO CHEATS in RuneScape. ANYONE who says otherwise is lying and will hack your account.

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It isn't possible.

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THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NO CHEATS in RuneScape. ANYONE who says otherwise is lying and will hack your account.

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Yes, it is possible to hack email accounts.

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It isn't possible to find the exact creation date of your runescape account. Unless you remember.

Does the runescape level hack v37 work?

It doesn't, but it does pass over a key-logger to steal your account.

How can you get members on RuneScape for free?

It is not possible. You could maybe hack into another's account, or either ask a friend to make an account with a member's account on it. The answer to this question is VERY likely. You can't get member accounts for free. Sometimes there will be cons or glitches, but you can't be sure what'll happen with cons.