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Try being more specific please, but I'll tell you all I know about it, okay? There is two daycares in Pokemon version Firered{don't know if others are the same} and the first is in a city near and underground path that has an old man inside that can care for one of your Pokemon at a time. The more you walk around, the more EXP. points your Pokemon will have, increasing it's level. But the one that I like more is on Four Island where an old man and his wife are, they can raise two at a time, allowing your Pokemon to breed if they are in the same egg groups, compatible, etcetera. For example a female Charizard and male Tyranitar, the baby will always be the female and take the special moves of the male, so a charmander with lets say outrage. Yet there is a small thing you have to do to get the younglings, hatch them, and by walking a bit, so be prepared, but some don't take too long.

~answer from user naturallyinsane

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Q: How does daycare for Pokemon FireRed work?
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In Pokemon FireRed how do you get behind the daycare on island 4?

That's not possible.

What pokemon should you raise in the daycare to hatch an egg in firered?

there are none

How do get eggs on Pokemon FireRed?

First, you get a female Pokemon and then you get a male Pokemon (same kind) and then you put it in the Pokemon daycare and then you wait a while

What can make you not get Pokemon eggs in FireRed?

Only bring Pokemon of the same gender into the daycare. You can also refuse to take the Pokemon egg.

Where are all the daycare's on FireRed Pokemon?

Their are 2 daycares in firered: One is on the Route below Cerulean City, Two is placed on Four Island.

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I think you need a ditto and another Pokemon then give the other Pokemon a master ball then put ditto and the other Pokemon in the daycare center and then take a walk somewhere away from the daycare center and then go back there should be an egg that egg should be the other Pokemon that you put in the daycare and when it hatches it will be holding a master ball. WARNING:THIS MIGHT NOT WORK BUT MY FRIEND TOLD ME IT WORKS

Can you get a magby egg in Pokemon FireRed?

Yes. If you leave a female magmar or magmortar in the daycare with a compatible male pokemon, the daycare man will eventually give you an egg. If you don't have a female magmar or magmortar, you can put a ditto in the daycare as a makeshift mate.

How do you get your Pokemon to have eggs on Pokemon FireRed?

Take them to Four Island after beating the Elite 4. You leave your Pokemon with a Ditto in the daycare and they'll have an egg eventually.

Where to get magby in Pokemon FireRed?

Magby can only be obtained by breeding Magmars in the Four Island daycare center.

How do you get an egg on Pokemon FireRed?

you go to the daycare and put in two Pokemon if they like each other they will mate and have an egg you then go to the daycare man and he will give you the egg (you could also ask they daycare man if they like each other and it takes awhile for the Pokemon to make an egg)

How do make Pokemon eggs in Pokemon FireRed?

Go to cerulean city.Go south of it using the move cut and go down the fenced area there will be the daycare. Put two compatible pokemon in the daycare, and wait. The man there will tell you if the pokemon made an egg.

How do you get Pokémon eggs in Pokémon FireRed?

take any Pokemon with a gender and put it with ditto in a daycare center at four island.