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first catch a ditto than breed it with the balbasuar in the daycare in island 8 i think!

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Q: What Pokemon can breed Bulbasaur in FireRed?
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How do you get a bulbasure in Pokemon Diamond?

Getting BulbasaurI suppose your only chance would be to receive Bulbasaur through Migration. You can get Bulbasaur in Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen. Oh, and you can breed Bulbasaur using the Day-Care.

Where is balbasaur in Pokemon FireRed?

You only get it if 1, its your starter Pokemon, or 2 you trade. You can also breed bulbasaur with Ditto and get bulbasuar egg

What are the starter Pokemon for Pokemon FireRed?

Charmander Bulbasaur Squirtle

What is the Bulbasaur for Pokemon FireRed?

It's one of the three starter Pokemon: bulbasaur, charmander and squirtle.

Where do you find Bulbasaur in firered?

At the start,go to oak's lab,then he will tell you to chose a Pokemon the first Pokemon will be bulbasaur.

What are the Pokemon you first get in Pokemon FireRed?

the starter Pokemon are charmander, bulbasaur, and squirtle.

What are the starting Pokemon on FireRed?

bulbasaur, squirtle and charmander

How can you get venasuar on Pokemon FireRed?

you have to get a bulbasaur for starter Pokemon and evolve it to a venesuar

Where is bulbusaur in Pokemon FireRed?

you can not catch bulbasaur you have to pick him as your starter Pokemon

What Pokemon do you start out with in Pokemon FireRed?

You start off with Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander. You start off with Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander.

How to get a bulbasur in Pokemon firered?

Bulbasaur is one of the starters that you get from professor.

Where do you find Bulbasaur on emerald version?

You must trade it from Pokemon firered or Pokemon leafgreen