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because he WAS real my friend told me

No he wasn't he's a cartoon character.

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Q: How does Goku count as a superhero?
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Is goku from Dragon Ball Z a super hero?

Yes, he is. Goku is the main character in Dragon Ball Z. If you have seen Dragon Ball Z, then it will look obvious that Goku is a superhero.

Does sonic count as a superhero?

Assuming personified animalia qualify, then yes.

Who is stronger Goku or cloud?

Most likely Goku since he could go super saiyan 1 to 4(if you count GT)

Is Goku a super hero?

Yes, he does possess super human abilities and saves the world/universe numerous times, thus he is a superhero.

Does star wars count as a superhero?

YEs and no. YES- Obee One Kanobie is the hero NO- Darth Vador is bad

Who is the world's best superhero?

Answer 1: Super man and you know it hands down Answer 2: The Coon, portrayed by Eric Cartman in South Park, is arguably the best superhero ever. Answer 3: Goku is the best super hero this world has ever seen. He would "F" superman in the "S".

Who is the stronger super sayan?

All depends if you count DBZ GT or not if so it's vegeta or goku not sure but just DBZ it's Gogeta. That's counting movies but just in the show it's Vegito but (Ultimate/Mystic) Gohan is the strongest saiyin without the need of fuision. So if you count movies Gogeta If You Count GT SSJ4 Goku & If you're talking just the show Vegito

Was that goku spirit that goku jr seen or was that really goku?

normal goku.

Who is strong among Goku and picollo?


Is hawkye a superhero?

is hawkeye a superhero

Is Dev a superhero?

yes, he is a superhero