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Q: Who will win between bloom and Goku?
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Who is way cooler bloom or Goku?

Goku because He can beat the heck out of bloom.

Who would win the fight between goku and the phoenix?

goku super saiyan would win for sure.

Who would win in a fight between goku and frieza?

Goku would win. It has already happened.

Who would win between ulquiorra and goku?

goku kills ulquorria

Who would win Goku or Anng?

Goku would win cause I do not know anything about Anng but in battle between Sonic and Goku Sonic would kill Goku.

Who would win in a battle between Goku and Android 19?

Goku would win in the form of SSJ1 or higher against Android 19.

Who would win in a battle between Goku and Frieza?

In Super Saiyan (1) form or higher, Goku would win. Otherwise, depending on the type and amount of Goku's training, Frieza would likely win in his 4th form.

Who would win bardock or piccolo?

Starting with his fusion with Nail, Piccolo would win. Before that, he would lose.

Who would win in a battle between Trunks and Goku?

Goku would win any fight against Trunks, as he can transform up to SSJ3, and is much stronger regardless.

Who will Goku or Superman?

If you mean win then Goku would win.

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