The upsetting part is the answer to the question. You can't. I wish you could though.
You can't transfer items, only coins.
you cant delete items on club penguin that you already bought. those you keep forever.
No, I do not think that you can trade in Club Penguin.
You can buy a Club Penguin toy and use the code to unlock items online, you can get member items!
Actually you cannot trade or sell items on club penguin it wont let you
you cant share items on club penguin
you get free items unless you are a member of club penguin
You Cannot Trade Clothes On Club Penguin Unfortunately! :(
Club Penguin SGary
from around club penguin
yes you can
If you are not a member on Club Penguin, You can still get the free items and you can win items sometimes too!
Go on Google and search: Club Penguin Items IDAnd then you probably find it :)
To unlock items in club penguin, you have to go to an item in a party and click on it, and u'll get it.
You can't transfer items, only coins.
when theres partys in club penguin