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You can buy a Club Penguin toy and use the code to unlock items online,

you can get member items!

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Q: How can you get clothes on Club Penguin without being a member?
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How do you get member clothes without being a member of Club Penguin?

You have to get free items or get a toy code to unlock more membery-ish clothes.

How do you get free furniture on club penguin without being a member?

It is impossible to buy furniture without being a member. However, there are several penguin owners who have furniture but aren't members. This is because they were PREVIOUSLY members, but their card expired before they could finish decorating. It is also impossible to: -Upgrade without a sufficient amount of coins -Upgrade when not a member -Become a PSA Agent without passing a test (there is a glitch) -Swearing and getting banned -Buy clothes when not a member -Buy black, pink, purple and green Puffles when not a member -Furnish your igloo with Puffle needs when not a member Don't try to hack, because you will get banned from Club Penguin for around a day, and you will probably lose the privilege to hold parties. Hope it helped!

Who better Club Penguin or moshi monster?

Moshi Monsters, as you can do more things without being a member. In club penguin, you can HARDLY do anything without having a membership.

Can you have more then 2 puffles in club penguin without being an member?

If you are a member of Club Penguin, you can buy up to 16 pufflesIf you are not a member, you can only buy 2 puffles which have to be the red or blue coloursGreat question!!

How do you get a purple puffle on club penguin without being a member?

Club Penguin is set up to give you a small taste for free. But to really have fun, you have to pay money and become a member. So you need to buy those purple puffles.

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How do you get clothes on club penguin without being a member today?

you cant you have to be a member to buy things

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u cant

How do you get member clothes without being a member of Club Penguin?

You have to get free items or get a toy code to unlock more membery-ish clothes.

How do you get clothes with out being a member on club penguin?

It is impossible as a non-member.

How do you get on Club Penguin without being a member?

You dont have to be a member

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you cant get any furniture without being a member

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you don,t you have to be a member

Can you get member items on club penguin for no membership?

No the point of being a member is to be able to do stuff like adding clothes.

How do you buy stuff on club penguin without being a member?

You shouldn't do it. Your penguin can get deleted

How do you wear clothes without being a member on pixie hollow?

You still have clothes, you just get more as a member.