Make sure your java is fully up to date, and lessen the process usage of the laptop/computer but shutting down other programs that are not necessary.
RuneScape players will stop burning lobsters at the Cooking level of 74. If wearing Cooking Gauntlets, you will stop burning lobsters at level 68 Cooking.
why dont you stop being a noob and play real "runescape"
you can't get free oak planks on runescape now stop being a noob and make them yourself. -.-
they don't stop hitting you because their defence level is great
At cooking level 86, or level 81 with cooking gauntlets.
Alt + F4 will stop a lot of browser goings-on.
Lol...... just put a fake ages so you can use the chat.
A bunded tank prevents liquids or toxic substances from exiting or contaminating a certain area. The walls are built using extremely strong double steel walls, which can stop the materials from exiting the tank by force of chemical force.
Turn down the quliaty of the game by going to the options, and then go to video options.
You are seeing pop up ads because you are 1) using a browser that does not have an effective integrated pop up blocker, and 2) not using a stand alone pop up blocker. To stop them you can either use a reputable stand alone popup blocker and/or switch to a browser such as Firefox that will block them for you.
RuneScape players will stop burning lobsters at the Cooking level of 74. If wearing Cooking Gauntlets, you will stop burning lobsters at level 68 Cooking.
You can't stop burning completely, the higher your cooking level, the higher your success rate will be. There are some other methods though, using a cooking range instead of a fire helps ( I recommend the cooking range in lumbridge as it has the lowest burn ratio in the whole of runescape ).
Please stop begging, and earn your own money on RuneScape.
No, Mozilla Firefox does not stop you from installing Explorer 8 as your main browser.
Please stop begging, and earn your own money on RuneScape.
Earn RuneScape money yourself and stop relying on money generators.
Try using Mozilla Firefox for the browser instead. IE has many unsolved mysteries - I dumped that 4 months ago.