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RuneScape players will stop burning lobsters at the Cooking level of 74. If wearing Cooking Gauntlets, you will stop burning lobsters at level 68 Cooking.

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Q: When do you stop burning lobsters in RuneScape?
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Probably still salmon till you stop burning lobsters

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Get level 85 cooking and the anchovie pizzas will stop burning.

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90 on a range, 92 on a fire.

What level do you stop burning rocktails on runescape?

You cant stop burning rocktails even with cooking gauntlets. Usually you would stop burning fish when you reach twice the fishing level in the cooking skill.

How much xp do you get fishing lobsters in runescape?

You get 90 Fishing experience for fishing lobsters.

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What level does lobster stop burning on runescape?

After u reach firemaking 99 but u still might burn it....very very rare Firemaking has nothing to do with cooking/burning... The level you stop burning food in RuneScape depends on what kind of food. The higher the level req. to cook it, the higher you need to stop burning and vice versa. In fact some food can't be guarenteed to not burn! ~kIcKaBoUt LeAgUe

How much are cooked lobsters worth on runescape?

Cooked lobsters are currently worth 303 coins.

On runescape what level do you stop burning swordfish?

u can burn the swordfish even if your lvl99 cooking!No you can't. At level 86 you stop burning swordies. At level 74 you stop burning lobbies. -Coldude101You stop burning swordies at 82 with Cooking Gauntlets.~Kickabout LeaguE

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When do you stop burning swordfish on RuneScape?

At cooking level 86, or level 81 with cooking gauntlets.

Do cats on RuneScape eat lobsters?

im pretty sure not