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Go to the commands button, near the smiley face I think on the bottom near the chat bar, and click on the 3rd one. You can sit diagnol. You can also face straight, backwards, or any other way and click the "S" on your keyboard if you do not wish to sit diagnol. (:

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Q: How do you sit on club penguin?
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How can you sit where other penguins are on Club Penguin?

Just go and sit on them!

How do you sit backwards on club penguin?

press the up key

Club Penguin how do you view the Club Penguin blue book?

you must get a club penguin book or go on to and search how do you get a book on club penguin. i have got a book if you sit down with the book you will be reading by the way the blue book is a clothing item

How do you do a side twist on Club Penguin?

You cannot side- twist on Club Penguin. But, if you go to actions, you can dance, wave and, sit in different directions.

Club penguin how do you read the book you unlocked?

You equip it then sit down.

Can you break a door in club penguin?

no you cants but you can do cheats to sit on one

Can you make your penguin fall asleep on club penguin?

You can make him sit down but I don't believe its possible to make a penguin sleep.

How do you make your penguin lie down on Club Penguin?

you can make it sit down by pressing the down arrow key.

Where do you get a Club Penguin book?

in the book room up the stairs from the coffe room the coffe room is in the town on club penguin.

How do you walk on the spot on Club Penguin?

You cannot walk on the spot! You can dance or sit though!

What do you do with the laptop on Club Penguin?

If you sit down while holding the laptop, it opens up.

How do you play on the laptop on Club Penguin?

You need to own the item. Then you just press [s] (sit).