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you cant

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Q: How do you run from a trainer battle Pokemon LeafGreen?
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Does Wobbuffet have a ability of making a Pokemon not run away?

Yes he/she does it's called shadow tag it prevents Pokemon from running away but ONLY wild Pokemon. Not a trainer battle

How do you run from a trainer in Pokemon black?

you can not

Where do you find magmar in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You have to keep looking in the Pokemon mansion and there would be the lower form of him. you will have to battle 50 times (doesn't matter if you run) and he should appear on a level 30.

When does Ivysaur evolve in yellow?

it evolves around 32-36 i would recommond to battle every trainer/ wild Pokemon you run into

On Pokemon LeafGreen how do you delete the profile?

u run around in squares

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You run into entei randomly and use a masterball

How do you pass Pokemon SoulSilver?

When in a battle with Pokemon you will have 4 option fight,bag,Pokemon/go to Pokemon party menu and run press run to get away from the battle

Is teleport good in Pokemon Yellow?

Teleport can do the following: - flee from a wild Pokemon battle - switch out in a trainer battle - teleport you to the Pokemon centre you used last It's a handy move until you get fly if you don't want to walk back to the city you were just at but really you can run from most wild battles and switch Pokemon manually anyway.

How do you run from a battle in Pokemon platinum?

You can't.

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Where is a Pokemon trainer that has Gastly in Pokemon platinum?

Just go run around in the mansion just on the side of Eterna Forest.

How do you battle Pokemon?

Run in grass, or encounter trainers.