Go down of veilstone city and you will find a beauty trainer. Battle her then go to you left side and there will be grass. Run in that grass and you'll find a houndour but it's rare. Praneel
you can't.you have to envolve you houndour.
In Platinum, Houndour is found on Route 214 and in Lake Valor.
You can get Houndoom in Pokemon Platinum by evolving Houndour. Houndour can be found on Route 214 and Valor Lakefront! Houndour will evolve into Houndoom at level 24.
You can catch a Houndour in the Altering Cave in Pokemon FireRed.
You get a houndour then evolve it i will update when I find out where to catch houndour
you can't.you have to envolve you houndour.
how do you find a male houndour in pokemon platinum
In route 214 & 213. Their levels vary from 21-28
In Platinum, Houndour is found on Route 214 and in Lake Valor.
You can get Houndoom in Pokemon Platinum by evolving Houndour. Houndour can be found on Route 214 and Valor Lakefront! Houndour will evolve into Houndoom at level 24.
You can catch a Houndour in the Altering Cave in Pokemon FireRed.
Houndour evolves at level 24, but to get Houndour, you first have to catch Houndoom and let him breed.
You get a houndour then evolve it i will update when I find out where to catch houndour
No but you can in platinum
Houndour will learn flamethrower at level 48
You cannot catch houndour in Pokemon leafgreen either get one from Pokemon emerald or Pokemon colosseum.