You can get Houndoom in Pokemon Platinum by evolving Houndour. Houndour can be found on Route 214 and Valor Lakefront! Houndour will evolve into Houndoom at level 24.
No. Houndoom is the final form of Houndour. It does not evolve.
Houndoom learns Flamethrower at lvl 48.
Houndoom is exclusive to Pokemon Pearl so it must be traded.
In Platinum version Houndoom learns Flamethrower at level 48. in diamond and pearl Houndoom also learns it at level 48.
You can get Houndoom in Pokemon Platinum by evolving Houndour. Houndour can be found on Route 214 and Valor Lakefront! Houndour will evolve into Houndoom at level 24.
No. Houndoom is the final form of Houndour. It does not evolve.
If it is with another houndoom or ditto it shouldn't take that long.
Houndoom learns Flamethrower at lvl 48.
a snorlax
Houndoom is exclusive to Pokemon Pearl so it must be traded.
You have to catch a houndoom on route 214 or 215 and breed a houndour from it. You have to get houndoom to appear via pokeradar.
flint of the elite four has one.
In Platinum version Houndoom learns Flamethrower at level 48. in diamond and pearl Houndoom also learns it at level 48.
you cant, hoondoom is the last in its evolution line
how do you catch a mewtwo on Pokemon platinum