you can't the versus seeker doesn't work in the gym buildings trust me i have tried
Unfortunately, you cannot. Once you defeat them, you cannot have a rematch. However, if you want a better challenge, you could rematch the Elite Four. They will definitely level up your Pokemon.
You can buy them anywhere, but you have to beat some gyms. That makes the Pokemarts get new items.
They will call you on the Pokenav and say that the gym is ready. Don't get your hopes up, I got my first rematch about 6 months ago and I still have 3 or 4 left to beat again.
In Pokemon firered you can't, but in Pokemon leafgreen you can get it then trade it to Pokemon firered.
you can't unless you hack it
You can't.......unless you restart your game.
you have to beat the gyms in the area.
you go in the Pokemon mansion and the gyms key is some ware in there.
You get all the badges from all the gyms
Unfortunately, you cannot. Once you defeat them, you cannot have a rematch. However, if you want a better challenge, you could rematch the Elite Four. They will definitely level up your Pokemon.
You can, but you just have to beat all 8 Gyms first.
beat the other seven gyms and come back
Get past all of the other gyms and the old man should move
it is final gym need to beat all other gyms
You can buy them anywhere, but you have to beat some gyms. That makes the Pokemarts get new items.